
Cupcakes. Cake - delicious. Frosting - delicious. Cupcakes - pointless. I’ll throw that dry stump right into the trash where it belongs.

For Christmas a few years ago my wife purchased a $200 headset Amp combo. They sent the non combo version with just the headset that goes for 150. I called them and they told me to just keep it and they gave her a full refund.

I have 1200 hours in the game. None of your tips helped. I’m still intimidated.

I read this in the voice of the Hyper Chicken Attorney from Futurama.

I mentally replaced all of the he and his with it and its. I feel slightly better.

I think a secretary emailed him and said, Hey Scott, we need your signature for a baseball and he replied with “No” and here we are.

I had to go and look up what the g-league was. Now I feel gross. Like I interacted with a brand or something.

I went from feeding the kids every other day to every day and they cry a lot less now. #lifehack

I remember sitting on a rock in the Gorge of King Xorbb for weeks and weeks so I could get my treant fists. I never got them.

A few months back when the new EQ progression server went live I decided to recreate the epic level 1 run from Toxulia forest to Freeport. After about 5 hours of dying in HPH I had to give it up and begged for a port. So many deaths. So many memories.

Doesn’t sound any different than the reviews for sugar free gummy bears on Amazon.

I’m so torn by this. I have a good friend who likes Kansas so fuck that guy. But this is Duke. There’s always the next game.

Exactly. Where is the NRA for this one? So what if he had a gun, (he didn’t) he was in his own yard. Shouldn’t they be denouncing this (they don’t care if black people die)?

Where I live people call crock pot sloppy joes barbecue. Monsters.

Sooo close to Shartlords.

Like that specific milestone was meaningful to him.

Wait, these kids want something besides thoughts and prayers? Should probably just lock them up now.

Soo uhh, how many can you fit in a kei car? Asking for a friend.

Holy shit this is actually real? When I first saw this I thought it was one of those deep fakes I keep hearing so much about. His head looks completely detached from his body.

RIP cheap brisket, shortrib, flank steak, skirt steak