nora charles- supersleuth

1. have resting bitch face

Yes. And there are numerous less well-known freedoms as well.

My fiancee gives me hugs and acts proud of me when I get the kitchen cleaned on my day off. I also suffer from social anxiety and depression so he knows it’s an accomplishment. I will share some of those hugs with you ::internet hugs::

I often am stuck with a “I ain’t got the spoons for this shit” day and I have, on more than one occasion, awarded myself with a fancy coffee or a cookie just for taking a shower or brushing my teeth. Because there was a time in my life where those things didn’t happen for far longer than I’m comfortable revealing

Okay so I know you were talking about, you know, ‘THE NORMAL’ healthy humans BUTTTTTT...

“What am I going to tell my kid about why she’s in that outfit?”

I did a BDSM scene with the man mentioned in your links, and I 100% believe her (although I believe any woman who speaks out; it’s a very scary position to be in). While he did not rape me, he did not maintain my boundaries in the slightest and I had to kick him out of where we were playing. And I thought, as we all


cause all the goodlookingness?

picture of Joe and Sophia is blinding

And she had a great line of “I don’t judge individuals but let’s say I am suspicious of how many dudes have fantasies that align perfectly with existing patriarchal norms.”

Well, his public image prior to this was as the guy who was not a threat or disgustingly porn-y.

At least in this case Nefertiti is actually quite closely connected to Tutankhamun (possibly his mother, definitely at least his stepmother), so it’s not so crazy to be mentioning her.

A couple of thoughts on this whole hidden chambers in the tomb of Tutankhamun thing. The tl;dr: this is really exciting and potentially really important, but we need to go carefully. As you were.

You spelled Uuge wrong.

Inside that room is the Golem of Trump, made from 11 secret herbs and spices, which has been patiently waiting until this moment in history to be discovered and unleashed. It’s gonna be huge.

My money’s on a strangely light-skinned, white-haired mummy.

We find out it’s filled with grain and Ben Carson lets out a long, soporific, chuckle.

Lol. I danced by my real name - Amber. When clients would hound me for my real name, I'd tell them it was Lisa. My favorite was some sleazy frat boy looking me in the eyes and saying "I don't want to know Amber, I want to know Lisa."