This isn’t the Ben Levin guitarist from YouTube right?
This isn’t the Ben Levin guitarist from YouTube right?
This isn’t the Ben Levin guitarist from YouTube right?
This isn’t the Ben Levin guitarist from YouTube right?
“Dark Souls Remastered is finally arrives on Nintendo Switch on October 19, and it’s worth playing, even if it’s a bit rough around the edges.”
“Dark Souls Remastered is finally arrives on Nintendo Switch on October 19, and it’s worth playing, even if it’s a…
Or the music theory knowledge...
I would accept this burden, thinking positively that I could just pass the curse on to as many bad people as I needed.
When you title a post as “devices that support iOS11,” I would half expect some interesting knowledge along the lines of a non-apple device that supports iOS11. Just title it “Apple devices that support iOS11" and own up to the monopoly you all are supporting.
Agreed that these are almost always popularity contests. Honestly, people should only feel OK about voting if they have tried then all, but they all want their favorite to win so they can justify their purchase.
Agreed that these are almost always popularity contests. Honestly, people should only feel OK about voting if they…
I just bought this thing. How do I set up multiple users?
I just bought this thing. How do I set up multiple users?
Jakob already mentioned that the API only opened in Nougat, but if you don’t have nougats yet, you should absolutely call your carrier and harass them about it; maybe even ask for credit on your account. The OS has been out for FIVE MONTHS. Carriers suffer no current consequences for this shit, leave them if at all…
If this isn’t the last piece of evidence we needed to show that 3 day weekends are biologically ideal, I don’t know what is.
Cube, or square?
As a student on break, I need to schedule a “Do Something Day”
Also, if you’d like to go through and fact check Trump with your own sources go ahead, but NPR at least cited everything so you might want to start there. Left doesn’t mean stupid, Right means stupid. If youre having trouble, make an L shape with your right hand and put it on your forehead. That’s what your post looks…
How did you learn about snowflakes... I didn’t know it snowed in caves of thick stone and regressive ideologies
Troglodytes like you think your right now just because you banded together? We’re letting you frolic for a bit, but the earlier you start shooting the earlier it is fucking over. You will go back in your cave after this term anyways because one of two things will happen:
This is something I didn’t realize until it started causing problems with all of my peripherals.
This is something I didn’t realize until it started causing problems with all of my peripherals.
“and various mats to product certain types of floors.”
“and various mats to product certain types of floors.”
Contact last pass support. It’s unlikely anyone in the comments would be able to help.
Contact last pass support. It’s unlikely anyone in the comments would be able to help.
Why do you need such a specific video out? USB C and put out HDMI... When is the last time a MacBook had an HDMI port?
Why do you need such a specific video out? USB C and put out HDMI... When is the last time a MacBook had an HDMI…
It is a very sad site to see that the fact checking has displayed a clear winner, and yet I still have to hear about this bullshit at work today because for some reason Trump is still allowed in this race.
Or a cell provider. How else do you expect them to broadcast it? You want them to drop you off a DVD right after?