Inner Partisan

As a fan of The Mighty Boosh, "Mangina" is the only term I'd actually like to reclaim. Bloody MRAs shouldn't have fucked with Old Greg!

I don't have a drinking problem. I drink, I get drunk. No problem!

I really like that passive-aggressive smiliey at the end. Ties your whole post together.

Oh, sweet summer child…

Related "I'm an asshole"-indicating terms:
-"White Knight"
-"Beta male"
-"Cultural Marxism"

No, but it's betraying the fact that the person who does use "SJW" unironically is, indeed, an insecure, reactionary shitbag.

As an obese 33-year-old man:
FUCK YOU! Ahem. No offense :D

"Not much of a space program" is very much relative, of course. As far as Countries That Are Not The US Or Russia go, Canada's space program isn't shabby at all.