
The only way this episode could've been better would've been people from the Bad Place crashing the wedding.

I'm in Boston and got it at 8:30 as advertised

Not sure how I feel about that ending, really enjoyed it otherwise. I'd love to know what else happens on the text chains though!

Enough internet, I need to stop feeling things for a while

I'm just about out of ways to express shock at who 2016 is knocking off but fuck, this one hurts as bad as anyone this year

I enjoy thinking about the fact that the man who once wrote a chorus proclaiming "I want to fuck you like an animal" now has an Oscar sitting on his shelf.

I'd forgotten that Train put out a Zeppelin cover this year (a morning show near me played part of it and made fun of it). Now you've made me remember

Who do we have to kill to get the Cars in already?

The West Wing, the original run of Black Mirror episodes, Twin Peaks and Star Trek (original series) are the big ones for me. There's countless films I'm sure I watched for the first time but I'm not quite as good at keeping track of my first viewings for that.

Well then, time to finally prepare for my pre-Zack Snyder Superman marathon!

Yeah this could've been better. I guess Boyle going bad ass is gonna be the Christmas tradition for the show going forward? Let's hope they find something better for Holt and everybody else to do in future seasons.

Less Trump supporters in the theater means less assholes. Let them have their silly fantasy!

Maybe he meant panini. It was after lunch when they filmed that

Disney is crying over this I'm sure

Dammit 2016, we need a break already! RIP

I think this is where the adherence to real world events (the election) has come around to hurt them. The episode the night after the election was still the weakest one (and I'd put this slightly above C+ territory) but I think they're improvising the seasons arc as they go now. Hopefully next week the member…

BBT is the opposite of a show deserving any Emmys.

O'Neill is overdue but MF is overdue for cancellation at this point. The show is a shell of it's former self and it shows in the performances. Braugher's still going strong as Holt, never a better time to reward him for it than now.

This is the year Braugher wins an Emmy right? Please world?

I can't imagine the love triangle drama will last too long. Well technically it can't anyway. But they'll move on…temporarily