
Ahh, that would explain the lack of baby

Am I crazy or did the first scene with Lee this season show her with a baby while Jim watched from her front porch? Was that a dream? Did the baby get given up for adoption? Was it eaten by a plot hole? Or do I just not care enough to pay full attention?

Can you trust anyone who doesn't watch that show? Answer: maybe, it depends on how fast you convince them to watch

Good point, correction til the VERY end they didn't share a scene!

The dog show part, especially where Holt and Pimento take over the bar and get the WHOLE crowd invested into the outcome of which dog would win was hilarious. Really liked the rest of the episode too and I wouldn't mind it if Jimmy Smits had a couple more guest spots during the series run. Although I'll admit it

Terriers. The best recommendation is always Terriers.

No loss there. Maybe she can find a new way to cry for attention now

This looked all kinds of awful. I'll miss laughing at the stupid promos though

(Possibly) killing Pablo is one thing but two weeks til the next episode?!? That's the real evil that occurred tonight!!

Probably still one of my all time favorite games. I miss the hell out of it and despise that one of my siblings GAVE IT AWAY WITHOUT CONSULTING THE REST OF US

After last week's stumbles (which certainly wasnt fully on Stone/Parker) this felt like the correction to get the season going again. Hilarious and dark

Get in my mouth you beautiful burger

No New England stops? Fine Nintendo, wasn't interested in it anyways.

Terrific debut season. Did FX already renew it or are they waiting?

I was hoping for more but… Oh well. I guess I'm not shocked they couldn't come back with more. The trolls getting trolled was obvious from the start but the RickRollin of them still got a big laugh

Ohhhh, that's not a bad thought


I'd rather they didn't. Noel is doing great with his HFB project and I'd much rather he stuck with that going forward. Plus they'd implode anyways.

Could someone refresh me on the why/what of the band-aid on Mario's neck? Or is that just another mystery tossed at the screen that'll be addressed later?

Let's send some gophers over there