
I'd be more than fine with that being the case

With everyone back from Florida, is Marino's time on the show or is he sticking around? My TV is always happy when Ken Marino is doing his thing on there.

Donal Logue and the Riddler are really the two reasons I keep coming back to this show

Terrific pilot, out of the few I've watched so far this season I think it's my favorite

I wonder, when you bake memba berries into a pie do they scream?

Yes! That version is a fantastic one, wish I could've seen it live myself.

I go back and forth between Magic and The Rising as favorites in the Boss' post-2000 output. Listening to either one can give it the upper hand. And at the most recent show I attended he played "Radio Nowhere" by fan request and the opening of that song is so incredibly catchy it makes you want to just dive into the

You know how you guys keep pushing that newsletter anytime your articles are visited? Horseshit like this is not a way to earn subscribers.

I don't even have the words to describe what that sounds like.

Let's assume the duct tape explanation. Because at least that may make sense

Are the photos not all upside down for you?

Hmmm, I don't typically eat my blizzards bottom to top but what do I know about food critics and their culinary habits?

Never change Mel Brooks, you magnificent man

Well in case it's real…. *screenshots*

I've never thought of him as nasally in any regard. He brings passion, knowledge, and authenticity to his work and I've never once felt he was mailing it in

I can't say I've had the opportunity to hear them to the best of my knowledge. Unless they get broadcast in the States sometimes

I mostly came here for the Carnivale talk but I easily forget just how much else she's done.

Agreed, Emrick is probably my favorite national broadcaster of any sport.

Unfortunately Fox has yet to fix their biggest issue, which is that they employ Joe Buck to begin with.

If there's one thing we don't need right now, it's more Chris Hardwick