
I'm still waiting for Suspiria's blu-ray that's been promised for years.

You…may need to watch more of his roles outside the Sopranos because he had a long and varied career.

Aida confronting Stone, especially knowing Gandolfini was supposed to have played Stone made me a little sad.

Needs more David Bowie

Listen closely, the sounds you hear are thousands of American Sniper posters being torn from the walls of their bedrooms

Shockingly conservatives can't tell fiction from reality

The important question is would Edward Norton comeback and obsessively rewrite the script for us?

Love Fringe, and I love showing it some love in this manner. It's honestly one of several shows that I've been craving to rewatch for quite some time

Happens to the best of us.

I have watched a little bit of it because I've heard so much about it, I was a little young for when it was in it's prime but there's some real gems there.

WCCW is not the predecessor to WCW. WCW was part of the NWA but began splitting away from them in the early 90s.

Put Me Back Together off of Raditude I feel like is an incredibly underrated tune. Maybe it's just me though because I've literally heard no one else talk about it. Raditude on the whole was disappointing but that song made it pretty worthwhile to me.

Rather not see that…at least not with Joe. Joe is much better in the monster heel role.

Wrong Jimmy Olson

Well I guess Snyder is gonna send him down the same path as Jimmy Olson

The best part of Jared proving Russ correct after all these weeks….the simple shot at the party of him chatting with a couple girls at Bachmanity Insanity. No one comments, but it wouldn't shock me if he ended up with a threesome following BI.

Never gonna unsee that

And that's why I'm still gonna watch anyways, is the hope for a 2nd half improvement. It wasn't that I planned not to watch now, it's a matter of appropriately recalculating my expectations for the 2nd season.

I really loved season one but damn, this is what I was afraid of season 2 being. Especially once they announced that Mendelsohn would continue to be a part of the cast in the form of flashbacks/hauntings. I'll still watch but…the expectations have been lowered.

Yeah I've got an external hard drive with my iTunes backed up on it (once CDs borrowed from friends, family, and the library are factored in my music collection comes to nearly 40 GB) but if that got corrupted I know I'd be in a foul mood.