
Littlefinger is back but dammit where is Bronn??? Surely he's still a man with use going forward? On the whole though, killer episode. Really looking forward to seeing how the fight for the north plays out.

Probably why it's my 3rd favorite QT film, because I saw it only in the Roadshow form as well.

I'm crying of laughter…holy shit that's exactly what was happening

All right I'm sold

No Abby? Cmon, half the show is gone and the writing has been in the toilet for most of two seasons. Why?

This bums me out even though I was fairly certain it was inevitable. Not as much as the cancellation of Agent Carter but still……

Is any Dave Matthews Band stuff considered a masterpiece? Because if so, that.

I saw Miami Vice once. I lost interest at the point where Colin Farrell randomly went to Cuba for cocktail hour or whatever crap that was. Worst Mann film ever.

I just saw the trailer for this a week ago for the first time in front of Green Room; really looking forward to giving this a watch at some point.

My thoughts (and hopes) exactly

I am so confused after reading this article…John Carpenter? 1979? Ski masks? Or have I just not watched any NOES films in that long?

No that's Sam Elliot!

Amen, preach brother preach!

Budweiser: Drink our crap! It may taste of chilled, flavored, piss but no one will ever again question your patriotism!


I hope the final two episodes don't see Strange taken down. It'd be much more interesting to see him get out of it and either continue running Arkham or just continue his work elsewhere. But it's Gotham so yeah, they'll probably crumple him up and toss him aside after the finale.

All right, I'm sold.

Wow, I knew someone would die this season but Norma wasn't in my crosshairs at all. Bravo to the writing staff for pulling this off so well. Can't wait for the finale next week.

The rocket launcher bit was fun but man, reeked of anticlimactic storytelling. Which….yeah that's Gotham. Way to waste Azrael. Let's place bets now on the Fish Mooney resurrection (not really quite as exciting a prospect) getting two episodes before she's blown up or something too?

When they were agonizing over how they were going to pull off the O11 scheme, I was yelling at the screen for them to call Bighead. I figured that'd be a perfect way to bring him back into the fold