
How do you cast a guy the size of Andre? It's not that I wouldn't want to see this film, but either it's animated or Peter Jackson is executive producing

Well, let's add that to reasons to look forward to this show.

Batman & Robin, you're gonna get some competition soon

Yeah they did an awful job at hiding that, it was just a matter of when not if.

I do recall that; my question was meant more in the sense that despite billing him as a core cast member Dent's impact has been negligible and forgettable in just about all areas this season.

I rather liked the Chase/Aykroyd team in Spies Like Us as well.

Holy shit I didn't even realize that til now

Not as spry…is an understatement sadly.

I really can't wait for these next two episodes

I checked imdb when that credit came on screen, his first work as a screenwriter. Very impressive

Does Vince/JBL need a thesaurus? I heard kleptomaniac a whole lot tonight.

I felt like it'd been awhile since Scott Stapp popped up saying some crazy BS to keep himself in the public eye. Send in the men with the white coats!

I don't mind the Uso's, they're just stale from playing the same role for the last…5 years? 6? Their biggest character evolution has been adding face paint. Best case scenario is they go heel along with Reigns and freshen things up.

With all the talent coming up from NXT, is he needed?

Tywin's last words to him were, after all, "You're no son of mine."

They've dropped many hints that Tyrion may not be a Lannister, not as many as the books but still a fair share.

Not gonna lie, my facebook feed didn't blow up like I thought it would with Jon's resurrection which is very weird. Either more people figured out Melisandre would resurrect Jon during the wait or they just gave up.

I think I remember him telling this story on one of his "Evening with…" standups.

My thoughts exactly, I don't even know where to find Fox Sports on my cable listings

Kills all, accepts consequences of breaking the rules.