
I saw his photo on the main page and my brain immediately went "hey it's mayor Ebert!" I feel sad that my mind went to that film immediately.


I remember liking the start of this show, I can't for the life of me remember anything about Doug Hutchinson though…or much of the 2nd half/messiah stuff. I don't know if I've just forgotten or I didn't watch the 2nd half of the season. Really dug the idea behind the show though

That "did Emma die?!?" line killed me. I almost wanted to shout at Norma through the TV asking why in the hell she'd go that dark in her inquiry. Oh Norma….

That is awesome!! I wonder now if they'd done this song together before? They were pretty well in sync

But at the same time, they never really did a whole lot with Siddig. Ultimately it was a thankless role for him, which sucks because I was really excited to see him on TV again….


I think they needed to sing Falling Slowly more. I need that looped into a ten minute YouTube video

Honestly as thrilled as I am for Game of Thrones, on the laughter side of things having this back is just as good. Great premiere, can't wait to see more Toblowsky going forward!

Shane Stark


Not that I heard but a couple hours after I wrote this I saw someone post that Schilling was a Ben Carson guy.

Most of what I know about Prince's music off the top of my head is from Burton's Batman. But you'd have to be a fool to not know how much of an impact he had on music. An already rough year isn't getting any easier.

Paterno would allow him to secure the zombie segment, hmmm

"The Edmonton Oilers? I thought they were Canadian football."

Canadian's are a fun bunch (usually)

Little bit of both, especially when you take into account how many of them come from the south.

He's been hoping to get fired I'm fairly certain, just so he can rail against evil liberals/progressives for stifling his free speech. For a "devout" Christian and hardcore small government conservative, Curt sure loves to push his intolerant views and screw over taxpayers……..everyone, meet Trump's VP pick in 3

In all honesty, they've seen him as a martyr for years. That and they enjoy verbally circle jerking each other on a regular basis.

As Elliot on Scrubs proved to us in that show's 3rd season premiere, urinals can be made to work for anyone.