
Agreed, Anderson was a perfectly capable replacement but Pitt brought a certain presence to the role that Anderson couldn't quite attain.

I'd die laughing if Keith ever said that in a show

I saw him once during a standup tour he was doing, it was a little weird. He just sat on the stage drinking red bulls and taking audience requests for callbacks to his SNL impersonations. Found out later that someone had stolen all of his notes/joke cards and I felt pretty bad for him, though I also thought it was

Didn't know as many of these as I thought I would, some bands are really snakebitten….

So Lincoln is gonna be the shock traitor leading up to Civil War?

In fairness it's possible they did this interview before he passed?

She's only been acting since '96? Well damn…I thought she'd been around longer she shows up so often!

Better set my DVR for tonight

Well shit, now I'm dying to watch the series all over again. Love this scene and the show. Yesterday Terriers, today Freaks and Geeks? It must be 'break your heart over shows we lost early' week.

Yeah I was pretty certain Norma wasn't actually there visiting, figured there was an outside chance of it but my first thought when we saw her in the distance was "Oh they're doing a metaphor for the Norma/n personality coming forward."

You know, while I was watching the Rock/Wyatt segment at WM I felt like they might have been setting the wheels in motion for a Wyatt Family face turn right there. I don't recall that being brought up much after the show (the focus seemed to be "Rock/Cena buried the Wyatts!") but it seems like they're going that

Whenever someone wants to hear a recommendation of a show to stream on Netflix, this is my first suggestion. It still angers me that we only got a single season of this show, kills me every time I go back and watch a few episodes. I did come up with a good way of describing it to a friend of mine that did indeed

Hey I forgot that he was in there!

Back to back solid episodes, I'm with @disqus_gzu9XFI2BZ:disqus in thinking the show may be coming together finally. Hopefully the season ends on a strong note as well. I remember Boardwalk Empire getting off to something of a shaky start as well, maybe not to this extent but it still took its time coming together.

Definitely some great songs on UYI 1 and 2, but there's too much filler. As others have already said, cut that down to a single album and then we're talking. And for the record my favorite song off those albums was Don't Cry (Original)

Hadn't heard about Beharie wanting out surprised me seeing these rumors mentioned. I wouldn't be shocked though, 2 years of meh writing have to frustrate any actor. Anyone else is gonna have large shoes to fill chemistry wise with Mison. May be for the best that the show comes to an end now.

Well that is…unfortunate? Vinyl has been an interestingly flawed show so far. It's hard to say if this is a good thing or bad thing for the show.

Thanks for confirming it really happened! And that's actually a good point, didn't think of that.

You should check out Brandon St. Randy's reimagining first.

This is his design.