
I wouldn't have been surprised sadly

Only if Sam Jackson is OJ

That was…….bizarre

This one I hadn't heard about. Makes me wish Disqus had those facebook style reactive emoji's because I'd have used the wow/shocked one here

I did rather like the scene where Simpson's older son gives him the puppy and tells him it's so he'll always have a friend. Was that legit or just a Murphy addition?

Thanks to reading imdb after your comment, I do now

The end of season 5 is where I wish I'd stopped honestly.

Well that just makes you a little bit queasy

For a few months maybe you had that amount of depth, I've been rewatching a lot of 90/91 WCW PPV and about half those teams either aren't bothering to compete for those titles or don't seem to be in the company any longer.

Hoooooooly shit

If you go back and watch the PPVs of that era, it was a problem. The same problem as now. Barely enough depth to support one pair of belts, let alone two.

Terrible idea. Having two tag belts a few years ago nearly killed the whole division considering you had two titles and only 5 teams

Didn't Nattie just get a title shot at Roadblock? Or does that not count?

Shit, now I have to get to a computer with working sound so I can hear what her regular speaking voice is

More than the show's writers can say haha

So that was about 15 minutes of story stretched to 70 minutes all to get to a final scene people have been waiting months for annnnnnnd……they don't have the balls to definitively kill off anyone? Is this them waiting to negotiate with some expiring contracts and figuring out over the summer which ones they can't live

I've gotten to the start of HIAC. Really enjoyed the IC title match and the women's title match. Brock vs Dean was…underwhelming. LON vs New Day was weird. Why slow down the New Day's momentum like that? Make it for the tag belts, have ND retain and then get beaten down by the numbers game and then you bring out

Holy shit they gave it to Ryder

Good point, actually thought of him a few hours later as I was going to sleep.

There's definitely at least one in Boston that operates in that manner