
What do you mean? I thought he was the Antichrist!

Does Nikolai Volkoff count? If not I'll take the Jennings family

Perhaps after Cumberbatch finishes his Dr. Strange commitments? Or maybe I'm just dreaming

But it comes off as something meant to counter the narrative of American Crime Story. Which to me suggests that Sheen may genuinely believe in OJ…that or he's hard up for cash because Charlie blew the family money on hookers and blow.

But will they result in me spending as much time on the toilet as their burritos do? My colon could use the cleanse

Hmm…honestly I didn't think there was anyone famous left out there who still looked at OJ and saw an innocent man. I'm actually kind of curious what his view is

The films weren't anything overly special, but I always enjoyed them….but I doubt I'll be checking out the series.

I just finished it, well worth the read.

Why am I not surprised?

Is the kid….SAWFT

So I didn't watch this episode until today, it was hilarious but I especially can't stop laughing at the fact that the night before this aired….I watched American Beauty. And now I'd love to watch it again with Pimento.

Too bad, I only caught a few episodes but I really enjoyed them.

Whoops lol

I'm sure it isn't all that spicy; hype it all you want but you'll never match what I can cook up in my kitchen BK (not to mention later deposit in the toilet)!

Agreed, I don't know how much A&E puts into their awards campaigns but they ought to really push them this year.

Does that mean Gotham is both dead and alive?

Good point

Wrong Turn had Eliza Dushku in tight jeans and a tank job. 18 year old me has emerged from the subconscious so he may beg to differ to you referring to that combination as indistinguishable.

Joy Ride?

Are we sure they didn't just finally watch the first 2 films?