
Shame how quick they shut that down

*sprays water at Cody*

At a theater near you!

One scene we get Gordon finding out Lee's lost the baby (so is Morena Baccarin's contract up?), solemn faces, allowing himself to get beaten, etc…And then we get the camp of Penguin and his crazy new family. Seriously, I feel like we got two very different shows tonight.

I feel like we'll be replaying this debate every week of the season. That won't get exhausting at all.

Just watch the Hall of Fame, the whole roster is gonna be wearing bubble wrap under their suits lol

I wasn't sold on Highmore the first couple seasons…I think part of it was he wasn't doing so well at masking his natural accent for a long time. But he's really gotten better at it IMO and as Norman's continued to break with reality Highmore has upped his game with every episode.

He just better watch out for that Stephen Amell guy…I hear he'll be there. The target is on………..Cody.

Pretty damn good episode I gotta say. I was surprised that the trip to the Landing Strip didn't end with Norma/n murdering that poor stripper. At least they didn't turn Julian into a hallucination, part of me felt like they might go down that path…

Stardust………………………………….or Cody?

At least Takeover will be good right?

All you really had to do was say….WWE Creative Logic. That explains it all.

Zack Ryder, IC champion. THAT, would be a swerve.

Been a long time since I've seen this, kinda forgot about it to be honest. May be worth going back for another look, I honestly don't remember any of the film besides who was in it.

Dammit Conan….that was great. RIP Garry

That era works too

I actually jumped ship on watching Castle a couple years ago. I was solving 75% of the episodes within 20 minutes and I can't bring myself to bore-watch a show with Fillion. I'm really hoping he moves on to something more worthwhile soon

That and Patty Jenkins is a better director than Snyder.

That would've been a far more watchable rendition of that film

I think the obvious answer here is mid to late 70s era Clint Eastwood as Roland Deschain even though technically the Dark Tower hasn't come out yet and may yet fall apart again just because. And I say this as no slight to Idris Elba who likely will kick ass but Eastwood was the obvious inspiration so it would've been