
I got it, this time they send the Terminator back too far and we see the Terminator trying to understand/assimilate into medieval culture while traveling Europe looking for Connor's ancestors.

I love the X-Files but no, really never felt this movie did any justice to the show or characters. And I've watched it twice…it just does nothing for me. Really hoping the new series run makes up for it.

I had no idea Melissa Fumero was pregnant before reading this. Some things make more sense now

Alan Rickman you will be greatly missed. The world has a little less gravitas now

*Four seasons

Caught a screening of this maybe a month before it was released, really enjoyed it and thought Boyega had something to him. Should watch it again, haven't seen it since then and that was 5 years ago.

*looks at Wyatt booking from last year, nods head*

Ohhh right…I do my best to forget most commercials. Real estate upstairs is limited.

Ah ok

Aren't they doing a free month thing for the network again this month? May be worth that. At least for the couple of nostalgia entries they'll have

He's Phil from Modern Family with less comic bumbling.

Nah, don't you forget that Vince is after all….

Let's take it a step further and ask…does Jericho take Jericho seriously?

Thing is with Vince and his plans…they change with his moods. For better or worse

Hopefully Reigns and Jericho aren't so chummy again next time around

That could play out, but I almost feel like that booking is too smart for what currently passes as a "creative" team in WWE.

Did Vince reference AJ Styles during the "who will be #1?" drawing? I feel like he did. Also where did Barrett and Jericho disappear to during the brawl at the end? LoN hits the ring and alleged babyface Jericho vanishes. Brock hits the ring and Barrett is gone too (unless he's injured still?).

They might not, but think of the Wyatt/Heyman promos leading up to WM? How can you not want to go that route? Assuming neither wins the Rumble (which I'm assuming)

He's becoming rather insufferable. And I feel like everyone knows it but him. Should've come back as a heel this time around

I was thinking Bray vs Brock actually