Whadda you know? Yer just a large kobold!
Whadda you know? Yer just a large kobold!
Pucci died on his way back to his home planet.
This will probably never happen - his freedom to fuck around is the main thing keeping Craig from being bored and leaving the show. If he had to move to the Late Show slot, that sandbox turns into an Arthur Murray chaperone gig.
You have the makings of a Craig Ferguson fan.
Gotta watch out fer them packet drop bears.
Congrats, best of luck, and I totally promise to read your book because it sounds genuinely awesome.
Nope - I read it in '86 or '87, the same time as I read Watchmen (back then there was no comic store anywhere near me, but bookstores did have those two).
Edit to add: Interestingly, they were the first two comics I ever saw shelved somewhere other than in the "Humor" section of a bookstore - they were both in "Sci Fi…
Batman Returns, while deeply flawed, is the best of all four nineties live-action Batman movies. Which is kind of sad to realize, actually.
Hope @avclub-8da263ed4307545bb90c5b2baf1acf73:disqus don't say balls nasty.
@avclub-c255c05246a081654a0267cbb725f5a7:disqus Oh, freaking awesome! Something to shoot for, thanks!
O phyllo, why must I always mangle you so? You don't deserve me.
Well, I've often said that she looks like an alabaster from the Classical period, so my only complaint is that she was in the wrong museum.
If Shocked had written Tom's Diner, one could read it as a tale of discomfort about burgeoning feelings - she is totally perving on this girl who can't see her back, and she's desperately trying to think of her high school "boyfriend" to hold back arousal.
But I love how my leather glove goes squeaky squeaky on my leather lapel!
Excellent, excellent typo. Stet like a motherfucker.
"1,200 GP on fucking studded leather?! That's highway robbery! Even as an actual highway robber, I'm genuinely offended."
12: Chronicles of Prydain
13: Dark Is Rising
14: the rest of LotR
15: His Dark Materials
16: Wizard of Earthsea
17: Chronicles of Amber
18: Discworld…then set him or her free.
For some, it's a two-handed job in the first place.
Hmm…what to do with that last glove…
*grabs sewing kit and runs to the basement*
I just don't get urban white northerners not being able to understand "y'all" - not only have I heard "y'all" in every corner of the US of A, north, south, east or west, but it's a simple, easy-to-understand contraction of "you all". I think a lot of actors just use it as the "Southern" equivalent of a Valley "like".