
Thanks, I was wondering about potentially harming my phone w/ those magnet mounts.

Thanks, I was wondering about potentially harming my phone w/ those magnet mounts.

I’m thinking of doing the same with my 64GB 6. Saw that in the $550-600+ range. You ought to be able to get a bit more for yours.

I’ve set up a separate savings acct through Amex and direct deposit $230/check (I get 24/year). It’s specifically earmarked for my Roth IRA. I make the password a gibberish combo of letters and symbols and set a calendar reminder on my phone for the last week of December to transfer $5500 to my IRA acct for investing.

I was really hoping they would make the camera lens flush w/ the body. I hate having to put a case on my phone to keep the lens from scratching.

It wasn’t a very good use of Eddie Brock.

Two Rogers don’t make a right.

B’gosh, how much does this thing cost taxpayers?!

Looks like Cap will be at a tactical disadvantage. Tony has almost total air superiority.

Great advice! I increased my 401k contributions back when this happened. When the market rebounded my rate of return doubled! If I had spare $ laying around I’d just double up on the stocks I already own, lower my average share price.

My dream combo - S2000 & S3. One for hooning and one for hauling. It would be even better if they bring the S3 hatch over.

It is a Saturday.

Can the CEO and CTO face any legal consequences for infiltrating a competitor’s network and stealing information? And do the folks who’s data they stole have a legitimate legal gripe against them?

*stock used car

Some folks pay a little premium for a stock car.

P-51 Mustang!

That sounds really cool! I may have found a weekend project :)

I do a purge every few months. I have a habit of collecting model cars. I recently made the switch from 1/24 (Jada Toys) to 1/43 (Ebbro, Fujimi, Minichamps). Not only do they take up less space and are more realistically detailed, my 1/24s have apparently gone up in value. A few minutes on the eBay app, a little

lol! and at 8% of the cost

Not as awesome as the Hot Toys version, but only cost me @$20 at Target back in the day.