
That's cool. The TNLP is obvious, just wanted to know why the YouTube vid was used instead of the original more than anything.

Random off-topic journalist question Sean. Why is it that you sourced a website and a Youtube video which was not the origin of the content, but referencing it?

calibre is the proper British Spelling. Of instead of have, my bad.

Durants stats showcases that his season, based on his ridiculous efficiency, is arguably better than *some* previous MVP years was the point. If LeBron didn't exist, people would be complaining about the writer on how he voted Melo over Durant instead.

But not all MVP's were the same. Going back to the NFL example, in

"how can he be the first unanimous pick without having the greatest single season in NBA history?"

"directorial error"

Brilliant, comedy of error... Like Deadspin tweeting the wrong link to this story

Two words: Title IX.

Duper's son: "I'm not afraid of you now. I'm a man! I'm not a child anymore!!"
Duper approaches him slowly.
Duper's son: "Oh... Oh shit!"

"the most powerful non-Illuminati organization in America." If Deadspin still had a tips section I'm sure evidence will fly in to the contrary.

Why can't you just add like a tips.kinja? Social networking and what not.

That's just awesome.

It's such a cocktease; sure, here's a blogging platform with do-follow links that you cn curate and make it into something. Oh wait, Robots.txt isn't set for the entire domain so you'll have to get Google to crawl these pages yourself.

Now playing

I remember that... credits still rolling and everything.

Now playing

Ah, reminded me of the telephone shenanigans in my hey day...

<fuck>Cavemen had better commenting tools than this </me>

"Video not found"

Jee, even your own content is revolting against the Kinja update

Kinda makes me sick that during this interview when Manti said he wasn't gay, the crowd looked s if they were belief. Makes you ponder where we are as a society.

Brandon Knight, via twitter:

Reading comprehension apparently not a required skillset for those wacky headline writers of the Gawker Media Office.