
If you have to ask, it’s not shade.

Rogaine is losing the battle there.

It will get better, it always does.

Money. Huge baskets of money.

He’ll give them a sip of his Pope Water.

Fuck Paul Ryan.

Fuck Ana Navarro .

Yeah, there’s no difference between the US and a country with six states, 24 million people, and a queen.

Or, just vote by mail.

I will bet you one slightly damp chihuahua hat she voted for Hillary .

Fire and ships don’t mix. Especially ships filled with flammable material.


Getting pegged by Melania?

You’re a bad man.

You just made me sad.

I despise Martha Stewart, but Seth Rogan is the reason I am not watching this.

I am a germophobe who is familiar with proper food handling rules, so I realize that your gloved hands are no more sanitary than her hands if they’ve been properly washed. Your personal prejudices don’t affect reality.

They didn’t have any questions about my feelings on insanity.

The only way to really deal with the gunk under your nails is to superglue the nail to the nailbed. Your nails, for all your neurotic picking, are no more sanitary than Patti’s.

Your nail beds under your nails is where the bacteria hide out. Patti’s nails are just as sanitary as anyone else’s as long as she washes her hands properly.