
I don’t believe her.

It’s almost like she could have stopped selling her food illegally after she was first warned by the health department.

Oh, someone from Australia shitting on the US justice system? That’s fucking rich. Seriously, people who live in glass houses really shouldn’t throw stones. Tell me, how are things going on ths serial murder front in Perth?

Ha! That’s the dismissive ‘k’ of someone ho can’t argue the point.

Uh, don’t forget the part where you demonstrated a complete lack of understanding about America and its criminal justice system. For instance, did it ever occur to you that the US has more serial killers than other countries because we CATCH a greater percentage of ours? No, of course not, that would require two

Nah, I smell oppositional defiant disorder.

Which is a totally reasonable thing to call him out for, as opposed to whatever it is you’re trying to do here which is apparently fueled by your anger at the American justice system.

Oh, by the way, my 12-year-old managed to do it without any financial assistance, so I’m guessing this gal could manage it.

Yeah, that’s way more expensive than three years of probation or a year in jail.

You are a bad person.

The culinary program at one of our local community colleges rents theirs out very reasonably when it’s not in use.

Oh, God.

Your loss, they all smell like bleach.

‘generally an innocuous novelty item’

Go take a nap.

I wish they had that law here, it would save me needing to spend four hours in an approved commercial kitchen every week. However, I just can’t wrap my head around buying a ziplock bag full of week-old shrimp in some lime juice.

You sound like you need a hug.

Never stop , never surrender !

Yeah, if he’s still doing it next week, read him the riot act, but damn, cut him a break. Finding a dead body is upsetting, finding four at a time might just ruffle some of these perfect people’s feathers.
