If you look at the pictures in the article she does present as quite young, plus he just found four dead bodies. I’m giving him a pass on this one.
If you look at the pictures in the article she does present as quite young, plus he just found four dead bodies. I’m giving him a pass on this one.
Pssst, I know that you know that I know that. ;)
Polls, goddammit.
That’s a shitty thing to star, but you know what I mean.
It makes it much easier to stand up the walls of the house after you frame them. The plumbers can still finish their work, its just a little more difficult .
Thinking about masturbating. Deciding it’s too much work.
That’s what my wife said when she caught me reading your blog.
C’mon, you have to admit that’s a funny picture.
It’s indicative of how irrational your views on the subject are in general.
You are my hero.
If you think misogyny is the only reason to not like Hillary Clinton as a candidate, tben you haven’t been paying attention .
It’s mostly for single people who don’t know how to cook.
Ten bucks says Tom Nagle is kind of a dick.
Okay, gotcha.
‘We’d cut all of the plumbers’ stubs off 1" above grade.’
There are reasons Hillary Clinton has incredibly low likability numbers. I voted for her anyway. Trying to get mad at Dave because you’re getting a third-hand recounting of his set is a little premature .