Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.
Big deal. I found half of a sleeping UAW worker under the 3rd row of my Traverse.
However, they are not ruling out the influence of inertia and impact.
After a thorough investigation, police have determined that the cause of both crashes was gravity.
Unbelievable. She saw him backing up and still cut him off!
Definitely not flat. The Ardennes Mountains run through there.
This was the one specially designed for Trump’s hands right?
As a kid I once dropped an icecream cone moments after buying it. The vendor gave me another one.
You know, on the bright side, without all the body structure, you can really appreciate the mid-engined layout though. Right? Too soon? Maybe too soon.
2 Jay Zed... I don’t get the joke.
I caught this one taking a leak on a forklift.
It’s so dangerous to be that close. The Ferrari could burst into flames at any moment.
I’m sorry, but a 79 year old woman intentionally going 147 in a Boxster shouldn’t be given a fine OR a ban. She should be given a medal, because she’s clearly a goddamn global hero.
There are a number of reasons for this, including decreased access to jobs that pay enough to afford children for Americans.
That being said, I’m having a hard time finding space for my coachman and footman in my Miata. They complain about safety sitting on the hood, but I’m certainly not going to spring for a separate Miata just for them. Advice? Both are too large for the trunk, and I can’t bear the idea of chopping them up to fit.
On the other hand, France. Totally believable that paperwork could get lost or delayed for months or years. Maybe there was a strike, or maybe someone in the records office was just overcome with ennui.
The list of ride-hailing companies that are run by people who aren’t total assholes keeps shrinking.
It helps confuse the terminators when they arrive from the future.
Honestly, garbage trucks and other city vehicles like buses are one of the few - if not only - places where all-electric vehicles would currently work without any real compromise or shoe-horning. Lots of starting and stopping (which allows for lots of regen braking as well as showing off the high starting torque of…
I hate myself, but...