Nik TayTay

Me too!

What a waste of the taxpayers’ money, wildlife, scenic areas... All for a toddler. All that for a damned rotting orange. 

I’m not dead yet!

I’ll take decorated mall over blood trees. 

So many possibilities, so little time.

Responsibilities??? That’s for people who aren’t in a position of power over others. 

She’ll decorate an intubated tree with a bunch of virus ornaments.

Jimmy Carter would just build the USSS their own house. In fact, he probably did.

She’s probably never worked out a day in her life. She’s got very little actual muscle mass. Physically fit women are a turn off for most Trumper men. Thin looking, mouth always slightly parted, big fake boobs, and long(ish) hair is what they like.

She’s too old for him.

I’ve always loved the art here and that spaghetti-haired drip rot was the most bone chilling piece.

She is reveling every second in the power she holds over the country. They’ll have to pull the transition letter from her cold hard dead hands!

Corruption is never fair. Think of all those taxpayers who are working shitty jobs in meat packing plants and such, paying for the Trump family healthcare.

The Civil War never ended. 

People, wildlife, and the environment are literally dying all over the world to provide us with cheap products. Slowly, in microscopic increments, fair trade is breaking the surface to grasp an air bubble here and there. 

Does it matter? Frederick Douglass already promised him he’d be there.

Maybe a Russian oligarch bought the old Epstein mansion just down the way from Mar-a-Lago that’s to be torn down and the rotting orange’s library is planned for that site!

What, you don’t think he’d make a killing on the corporate talk circuit?

I’ve repeatedly begged the media to pixilate his image whenever they post it. 

She’s actually qualified and experienced, unlike Trump appointees, so she clears more than the Trump bar. The whole system itself is a low bar. If you’re an American citizen, what are you doing about it?