
Thanks you for this. Bookmarked for those days when I need a lift.

Oh gosh! ME TOO...I am going to miss him SO much. The only president who I have just loved to bits. Maybe we can start an LA club where we just get together and look at pics of the obamas and AWWWWW. ( I will supply cocktails!)

oh, gosh, thanks!

When was the last time you were’s really nice now....

Hope you find some happiness.

yup. I wish I could give my contact info!

Tell me what you are up to. I am dying to know. Do you want a glass of wine or some tea? And you must be hungry, let me make you something.

I am sorry. That is sad. My son and I hug every day, and I know we both would miss that immeasurably.

I do, and I am a therapist and teacher, which is why I see heartbreaking things all the time.

I have often wanted to offer myself as mom when I see how certain kids are treated by their family. I find it utterly heartbreaking when parents don’t accept and love their own children. I wouldn’t charge though, and I make a lot of dirty jokes. But I offer great hugs and back scratches.

Only bad if you dont invite me over to go through the loot with you!

Maybe we can start a support group because it was WAAAY too much fun for so little money, and I dont shop on ebay anymoe because I am FAR TOO TEMPTED TO BUY BOXES OF RANDOM JEWELRY.

It is totally phallic and I just noticed it too!

Go back to ebay and buy costume jewelery by the pound. You will inevitably get at least one in your pile of loot. Honestly, it was one of the best things I ever bought. Even my husband and my teenage son could not stop going through it because it was SO MUCH FUN to see all the random pieces in there.

oh, god, They sell those on ebay? I really wish you had not told me that.....(I am kind of obsessed with the old wish books)

GOD I LOVED THOSE COMBS. I think I had a black power one and had no idea what it meant.

I am still furious my parents would not get me these for Christmas. I still miss the Sears Wish book.

I dont even get it. They both look like they are wearing masks. When was it decided that puffy faces were younger looking?

I JUST found out Justin Theroux is related to Louis Theroux-who is one of my v few crushes-