
ESPECIALLY his new face.....

These are the same morons who believe the Harry Potter books are a way of indocrinating kids into witchcraft and satanism.


Because sharing your “negative” emotions is never helpful or therapeutic, right? It’s such a superficial and selfish reaction.

That reminds me of Marianne Williamsonn and you got aids because it’s your fault you are so spiritually negligent or negative or some such bullshit. This is one of many things I hate about LA. I really dont mind crystal whoo-whoo too much, but the selfish “I gotta stay postive and anything negative YOU attracted it,


BUT! That is the most covered I have ever seen those babies. For once I was not nervously anticipating spillage.

I would definitely start out any of those sentences with Please. Just simple common courtesy and watching your tone defuse so many fights.

True. Putrid moldering sour cream does not sound delicious. And let’s face it, Donald could only come from rotting milk products.


well, I think it matters if he ever slipped her a pill. Or he likes sex when she is asleep. Or he has ever gotten really rough without her consent.

Unfortunately I have heard lots of stories that Rita is not the best.

I can personally tell you that money is NOT going to the teachers.

I have worked at these schools, they also pay thier staff CRAP, and often hire people with little to no eductation or experience exactly because they pay them like crap. They are profit driven nightmares and I have seen few where the children were the focus and not the bottom line.

Right the fuck on, Sarah Silverman. I think this every time I get a dr bill.

yup. See my answer to I have thoughts.

oh, yeah, I get it. My kid only got the damn phone when he got to high school, and isn’t even allowed to take it to school or have it after 10 at night. He was consistently the only kid in his class in LA without one. I was just using it as an example of what would have more of an effect on a kid. I think most would

If my 14 year old son is an example, taking his damn phone and compuer would be FAR more punishment than a whipping.

Where do we send you booze, pills, sage to burn, etc? I don’t know how you are doing it- just spending thanksgiving dinner with my Pat Buchanan loving relatives is enough to elevate my blood pressure into the danger zone.