Chris P. Bacon

You are so wrong. There is no institutionalized racism in this country. In fact, there is the opposite and that is affirmative action, which is racist towards ASIANS and whites.. blatant proof that the democratic party does not care for Asian interests, only their votes!!

Being a bit rude to ALL people does NOT equal being racist!! It's just his personality. You need to learn to stop calling everything RACIST! It makes you the racist if you can't see past race.

Don't jump to conclusions. Watters frequently likes to point out how dumb some people are. It may not be gentlemanly but he's not targeting Chinese people. It's just his style.

You have offered nothing substantive to argue against my point; instead, you want to exclude a viewpoint from yours from this discussion. You are proof why safe spaces and censorship are dangerous for our society.

So now all oriental style music is considered offensive?? So much for cultural "diversity"…

Last part was funniest. Cantonese is such an ugly language.


The video is being twisted out of context. Watters world satirizes everybody. Not just Chinese. The people unleashing hate have inferiority complexes and can't stand some good-natured humor.

What an overreaction. Asian-Americans were not the ones complaining. They don't loot and protest like BLM, and they certainly aren't infested with SJWs. Now the media is forcing them to be victimized. Must be another scheme to bring Trump down.

These "asian american" journalists are SJWs posing as puppets of the liberal media. Asian American SJWs are the worst. They believe white privilege exists and mimic all the other cultural marxist mumbo jumbo. They hate themselves for succeeding with a HIGHER income than whites. Asian-Americans have been tricked into

Prime example of insane liberal PC overreaction to humor.

There was nothing offensive in this video. Notice the Chinese are not complaining. Only white liberals are whining.

Obviously it's pretty hard to have humor if you don't understand the language…