
Was Roth’s writing sexist? Yes. (Male writer in the 50s/60s/70s, shocker.) Did he write books where Pathetic Neo-Nazi White Boys plot shooting sprees due to women not having sex with them? No. (And did OTHER, PAST male authors write disgustingly violent attacks on women? not only not an incel, not the FIRST

More important than Tambor’s, yes, more important than Bateman’s? No. Michael Bluth is the main character of the show, for better or worse.

That’s a bit insensitive. Can’t wait for you to pass so I won’t have to read another comment like this.

the police have found the shack Zavion was held in, no arrests yet

Yes, they are, but omitting Tambor from “Arrested Development” doesn’t necessarily help them.

I hope you fucking choke to death.

I just want the Clintons to go away so everything else associated with them can too. Chelsea has never bothered me and seems like she has a clue. As many people as there are that think Hillary gets downed unfairly, Chelsea isn’t even in politics but was mocked as a little girl. She still isn’t in politics but manages

Oh wait no one has talked about me for a while. Let’s use someone else’s misfortune to fix that, and the retroactive thought police to demonize a famous person’s corpse. His work is alot better than hers, which is why people talk about it. This is digusting.

There have always been members of oppressed groups who see that there is money to be made providing cover for their oppressors.

That’s flat out bullshit. The irony of your post is that the only people that I know that are Beyonce fanatics are white girls and gay white men. You can side eye me all you want, because if your putting Beyonce’s average pop R7B against Billie Holliday and Aretha Franklin’s classic all time great music, I’m gonna be

I mean, when you gotta go...

Also, former Deadspin editors

Had no idea AJ Daulerio worked for ESPN

I sincerely hate this continuing series of posts and I hope that GRRM dies, decades from now, without ever releasing the final book just to deeply upset you all.

Packers fans and it’s not even close.

The mistake is thinking there is a set way. Wrestling is so different, it’s not based on just talent and different people react to different motivations and stimulants. While one guy may flounder, get cut, go elsewhere and become a star that may not work for everyone. Some can put in the work first in the gym first

I don’t know what the age of consent in Memphis was in the 60's and 70's, but the King’s taste for underage girls is such an open secret it’s insane he’s opening his mouth now

No one will ever say this because I will be grey forever, but this comment is kind of ironic or something along those lines because Poppy’s handler Titanic Sinclair is a racist sexist anti-Gawker Trump supporter. See this post someone put together from when they came up on Metafilter:

This is a shitty take Kaep has been good the last few seasons he was just on a shitty team. He’s got about the same QB rating as Kirk Cousins over the last four years while sporting the receiving core with the most drops.

Over the last 25 years, with two of the top 10 QBs to ever play, they’ve closed the deal the same number of times as this guy all by himself