
Fox5 appears to have missed it as well. Either that, or they were deliberately trying to avoid using the name of the magazine, or maybe it was just text lifted from the police report to be descriptive. Let’s be honest - there was such a flood of Trump-as-KKK-Member magazine covers in the last month, it’s hard to keep

As this happened in Dumfries, that is not surprising to me. (That includes the police response.)

That is not just “a person in a suit wearing a Ku Klux Klan hood over their head.” That is the recent Der Spiegel cover of Donald Trump in the wake of Charlottesville.

I also was very confused when there was a lot of hate against Nate Silver - except for maybe a few days before the late announcement about the e-mails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “reopening” the Clinton investigation, he always said there was a path to the presidency for Trump and that should not be ignored.

I have talked with multiple experts in self-mutilation and false crime reporting who all confirmed that if they had that haircut, they might stab themselves too.

Right now, I am waiting to hear back from the NDRC - I finally got past the “just give us money” phase and are now in the “Okay, we can start thinking about some volunteers” phase. I want nothing more than to participate in Get Out the Vote efforts that are more than supporting a candidate (which seems to be what

On Election Day, my neighbor across the hall was having a party with her friends - they were all SO sure that Hillary was going to win handily. She invited me over and I said, “I just can’t watch the results coming in. I really don’t have a good feeling about this.” She pooh-poohed me, as most of my friends had been

Kanye is a true victim...over a Taylor Swift song?

She really, really cannot dance.

Yeah, sorry. I’m kinda boring that way.

I’m pretty sure sexism played into this election to some extent, but if you think that 53% of white women electing in a white man isn’t more about race than gender, then you need a mental enema. Stat.

Right. There. With. You.

Not to be too TMI, but I may have just snorted so hard I choked a little bit on some post-nasal drip...

So I went to look for a cool poster for the Pandemonium Shadow Show...and this is fucking attached to a Trump article. FROM LAST YEAR. Life should NOT be like a goddamn Bradury story, because the next step is Fahrenheit 451. (Though we’re actually pretty much there, since Bradbury intended it as a criticism of

Herb Ritts did know how to make very good looking people look insanely good looking.

Someone recently attempted to defend my father’s resurgent racism to me as “He’s not racist...he’s ‘retro.’” (My response: “So....’retro’ to a time when it was acceptable to be racist?” Everyone seems to forget my late mother did not allow this shit, while his new wife seems totally okay with it. I’m the only one

Maybe just “academic.”

Yeah, it still doesn’t sound right. Hmmph.

Theoretical vs empirical?