
Agreed, good piece. Incredible finale. The man we see in 7a is certainly Dick Whitman.

Howard worked brilliantly. The rapid fire, dense humor was a blast and frankly, more bang for your buck. Howard was also instantly endearing to me. He's a strange little duck tryin to carve his little way out in a vast, fantastic world. It felt like a breathe of fresh air, and a consolation for the cancellations of

It's an utter shame that run got saddled with Rags Morales on "art." With a competent, much less great artist, it would have been nearly as classic as All-Star. As it stands, it's brilliantly written and horrifically realized.

Terrible review. Like so many other people are saying, why not assign someone who likes the show? The Steve critique is absurd.

I think that's clear.

Indeed, I am the same. And like last week, I understand everything you're spelling out. I get what the show is trying to do, it's just doing so really poorly.

This show is a mess at this point. I wanted to like it. The direction is nice, setting is pretty, actor's compelling, but the scripting is just hacky and all over the place. No cohesion, each scene is about something else. Dialogue is obvious and often corny. Cooper and Wilson deserved better.

It's not shaping up as well as I hoped. It's sort of really hacky dialogue and scripting, though still really pretty and well acted. They don't feel like characters as much as handsome vessels to spew love affair related cliches, with no continuity or consistency to them. I get that love, and affairs, is messy

The writing's not nearly as elegant as each other element. It's a shame
The direction is perfect, the editing is perfect, the cinematography is perfect, the acting is perfect, the score is perfect.

Easy A episode. Funnier and more poignant than it's been in a while. This review seems tepid out of fear of praising this instantly controversial episode.

Awe! The White Knight we deserve, what a good guy!

Well, to be fair, she does read what people have to say about it on Twitter after it airs, so it's like watching it.

It's kind of telling to get such a simple fact and clear line wrong. These reviews are awful this year.

Really stoked for Whit Stillman's Amazon pilot, The Cosmopolitans.

This is great, thanks.

I'm reading "The Life and Times" for the first time right now and it's blowing my mind. Perfect illustration, adventure, humor, feels.

Part of what makes this show so boring and consequence free is how insular both the coven and the voodoo coven feel. Besides the "council," they had no interactions with the larger world. And as stated in the review, they squander their powers to bland effect. One would think that the Coven could manipulate or control

Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig wrote an animated movie about a dog in NYC. I was hoping it was that, but it doesnt seem to be. Anyway, CK gotta eat.

Jay-Z's never-ending victory lap is cringe inducing.

This is how trailers should be made. Bravo to PTA the auteur for cutting his own.