
Agreed, but i'm wondering about the connection Coop-as-Dougie now has to the lodge, and if someone/thing there helped him procure that body in the interim, so as to still be able to escape, a possible workaround to DoppleCoop's plan. For instance, he's still receiving guidance from the one-armed-man, and was led to

It's been brilliant and I enjoy the dream logic Lynch employs. Still it's fun to wonder about some things. Thoughts on who Dougie is or how he came to be? I assumed Evil DoppleCoop created him as part of a plan, cheating having to go back, but now i'm not so sure. He is a brutal figure, expertly shot and written. That

If you think Pete Holmes is the first to point this out, you're the problem.

Quick! Everyone trip over themselves to be as catty and cynical as possible to garner epic upvotes, you know the drill, go!

These last couple Malick films have been incredible. Knight of Cups may arguably be his best film.

"Save" Give me a break. There's a ton of material to work with, there's a number of directors that could make a good film. I know, the anti-DC stuff generates epic clicks. Now we watch as cynical commenters trip over themselves to leave the cattiest comments for the most upvotes. Again.

Remember everyone, be as cynical and catty as possible when discussing DC films to earn EPIC upvotes! See the sassiest at the top!

Yea that was dumb.

Weak episode in a solid season. Only real laughs were Black Dee in the beginning and the "tricking" gag w/ the soda.

I thought you did call me an asshole, i apologize.

What's the preferred nomenclature, dickhead, "problematic?" "Toxic?" It's hard to keep up with the myriad ways to act offended these days.

Are you from 2016? Here in 2017 we've seen the alternative and, spoiler alert, it's not so great.

"Telling black people they are wrong to criticize anything to do with our system" Again, needlessly hyperbolic and overly sensitive. He was pointing out that there are just a couple candidates, one who is the worst case scenario, a fucking monster, and the other who actually does care about human and civil rights. And

No he is *very* problematic see.

Can you point out where he tells "black people to know their place" please, as that's certainly an inflammatory statement, and I can't find it on the page. Almost looks like he was advocating against inter-party divisiveness in an effort to win the election that we actually wound up losing to the nightmarish detriment

He said that in those words huh, no hyperbole? And that minstrel act is so cute and dramatic! I'm sorry he said something you disagreed with, I can understand why he's such a monster now.

It's honestly corny how triggering Maher is to you people. He's a Democrat with balls, we'd do well to follow his lead to win back any and all elected positions.

That Wondy, and the gravitas and awe that she inspired, was one of the best recent interpretations.

Thawne and Cisco were highlights in this otherwise pretty disappointing episode. Please move on from that fateful night.

Agency is problematic