Learned about this trick when I had a dead mouse under my floorboards many moons ago (city living!). I still do it these days for the cat litter. I refresh it every morning and it works like a charm.
Learned about this trick when I had a dead mouse under my floorboards many moons ago (city living!). I still do it these days for the cat litter. I refresh it every morning and it works like a charm.
Thanks for watching this so we didn’t have to!
Same here.
Remember that many miserable people strive to make others miserable.
God lord let TWood show up tonight.
Oh my... I just did a “virtual retreat” a few weeks ago that featured Lauren who is a motivational speaker of sorts. She is well off. Their relationship is interesting. He is so obviously following behind her. I just hope she knows whats up and sleeps well at night to which I say live your life if karma doesn’t mean…
Ummm... But can we really trust anything *approved* by this administration? I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them and they prove that I have it right just about every day. I am going for flu vaccine. Otherwise I will take my chances. Fuck Trump and his cronies.
I hope this sentence sends a clear message that racism and intolerance are unwelcome here
Gah! I promised myself no additional expenses this week.
I appreciate an adult who can admit their flaws and be real about problematic situations in their life. We need Andrew. Hopefully he can keep his demons off his back and get back in the game.
“I am not sure they are worthy of the Red Tail name,” Lt. Col. James Harvey, 97, told Time. “They don’t win that many games plus a lot of the players have a […] poor attitude. But, it is not my call. Just the way I feel at this point in time.”
You obviously misunderstood that my last line that was not directed towards you, but rather to the people who actually buy into the SI issue. It’s an old school protest chant.
I don’t think it’s so deep. The more we are seen the more we will be accepted. Even in the crappy SI swimmsuit edition. Visibility is important including in hyper masculine spaces
There are plenty of companies you can find online who make anything that Goya da Destroya makes. I’m going to have fun taste testing their replacements.
Same here. I’m on the 5th floor of an NYC walk up apt building. For me, I go for my walk either very early in the morning or later at night when I know the building is less active so I can avoid people. And then from there I do what I can (scoot over to the far corner if someone is on their way up etc.). One time a…
Welcome to the fucking neighborhood. SMH
Ummmm.... Nay to the whip cream (yeast infection). But a big old YAY to Mr.3's skills. 👀
This is an evil man. Pure evil.
Awww... He got the extended original. You should have given him the remix.
make is stoooooopp