“Israel is right to apply leverage.”
“Israel is right to apply leverage.”
I didn’t think the terrible thing’s Hamas did would immediately be overshadowed by the terrible things Israel is doing to “defend” itself from Hamas.
The worse part is jackoffs everywhere are championing either side like it is a fucking football rivalry, and nobody can have an adult discussion about this without…
What an absolutely despicable, dehumanizing post (who fucking starred this shit to bring it out of the greys).
Stop swiping at Israel.
Justin Timberlake is a shitstain for many reasons (add mocking Prince’s height to the very long list). Not wanting to be a father at 19 or 20 isn’t one of them.
It’s not “potential Christian babies” - the cruelty is what’s most important.
His education and the reputations of his parents are what got SBF in the room with monied people. His perverse obsession with promoting his superiority led to the arrogance Wall Street loves to hand money to. Ellison is just another example of paper education that didn’t teach an ounce of deductive reasoning.
The line between straight up grifters and people running the world is fast blurring so much as to be non existent. I think Elon is the prime example of someone with immense power who at this point is completely full of shit.
Harsh but fair.
dressing like johnny?? can’t a man do dripped hobo cosplay without being compared to an abuser??
Wow, maybe reality TV is inherently dehumanizing and anyone who watches it, even ironically, while portraying themselves as progressives are being hypocritical?
My dog is an absolute idiot and the worst judge of character. One of my neighbors is a Trumper; she’s racist, has no moderation filter so she says what she thinks, and I can’t stand her. My dog thinks she’s the shiznit.
It’s not that there are no twitchy, improperly reactive or bigoted dogs, but this is fast getting into but if you encounter multiple bad dogs, you’re the problem territory. Perhaps it’s the SS agents in question who should be “sent to live with friends"
Weird it’s only SS and not other staff. Some dogs have innate sense of human nature.
Dogs know. People who make my dog get twitchy are people I avoid.
I’m a Commander (and Major!) truther. I think they know some of those agents are up to no good and responding appropriately.
Y’all just made Commander an activist and I don’t know how to feel about that. But those agents that deleted those messages are definitely ops and should get the shittiest of details.