
I agree with both those sentiments. It makes it a very complex character. Moving aside the more cringe worth aspects of Craig's fascination and the first half of the episode where he tried to whitesplain (pretty accurate) Earn's existence to Earn, he rebounds off that with a genuine supportive attitude about what

I thought the whole Craig arc was really interesting and multi layered. I might be reading too much into this, but he was the most genuine character at the party. It is easy to cringe as Craig gets too heavily invested in a culture that is not his own, confidently states he understands the one true meaning of what

We won't get it up in Canada on Disney XD for a few weeks, but if we go back to the original episodes of P&F the dynamics that drove the show were not yet in place. Buford was adversarial and the other characters weren't quite fleshed out enough to care about. I think given the creator's track record we may need to

While I was fine with the result (Jeremy or Spencer winning was a fair result) I was disappointed that in a season where every player came off as pretty smart that it was a straight up non-game related reason they all seemed to vote for Jeremy.

Nothing beats the genius of Boyle selecting his Girlfriend's twin brother for Gina. It's such a perfect Boyle move.

They could have…but that would have taken away from developments within the core cast with the amount of time you have outside of the meta human battles.

I understand what they did with Henry, but they could've presented it a lot better. He has just spent years in a prison in Starling City, I'm sure anybody who had gone through that experience would just be keen to do their own thing and not be bogged down in expectations and routines.

I don't even think its bisexual. He appeared to get no enjoyment out of either encounter. Maybe asexual is wrong. He just sees sex as a tool.

Regarding the closeted gay comment:

The reviewer seemed to miss the most delicious satire in the entire show, while touching on Snyder's moral grounds for Cartman not to use the name he missed the fact that absolutely everything Snyder said to ask Cartman to change the name has been lobbed at him and all of Cartman's responses were in turn taken from

I disagree…I know about vampire folk lore, but I would not be quick to buy into them being real. Eph and Nora are doctors, they're used to scientific explanations. The fact they do not come right around appeals to me.

The only issue I have with the review and it appears to be consistent is that there is criticism of the main characters not naturally seeing what the audience sees and jumping in full boar.

Shifting this to 12 hours was genius. 24 episodes always dragged, you always had unnecessary twists and too many moving the chess piece episodes. This season was tight and worked. Even at its weakest points (mostly with the silly lets torture your son in law sections) they moved by so fast that it was easy to just