
If anyone at Berlanti Inc is paying attention, GIVE SLADE HIS OWN SHOW. Also, how did William go from toddler to ready for a driver's license in like 2 seasons? And finally….Amell doesn't want to hear it even though he does a fine job, but Arrow has made it difficult now to have future seasons actually mean anything

How about this…In a fight with Livewire (who escapes Supergirl's dimension, being pure energy herself) the trap Cisco and Felicity have set up for her malfunctions, and the EM pulse wipes out half the power grid, letting Iron Heights prisoners and Star Labs' metahumans loose, and zaps Felicity's spinal implant

Now that Thawne is gone (spoiler) how about having the Legends pull Jay out of the Speed Force once Savitar is defeated? He'd be one hell of an addition to the team and that's an easy way to get Jay Garrick back to the JSA where he belongs.

Principal Heatwave Coming to the CW

Shouldn't Barry's supersonic punch kill someone/

Now that Snart's back in full villain mode (?? I think??) Mad Dog should be Heat Wave's partner indeed. I'd like to see Ray and Felicity switch to each other's superhero teams too, for at least 3 or 4 episodes, and can someone for cryin out loud finally bring Constantine or Dr. Fate to deal with Damien Darhk?

It has nothing to do with readers not wanting to see new characters. It has everything to do with retconning EXISTING characters, poorly. (And maybe the fact that print edition comics now require getting a second mortgage to obtain.) We already get Progressive Studies 101 thrown at us in every show and movie, it

I think when Barry rewrites time (or LoT does for the umpteenth time) that the actresses playing Laurel and Sara should..SWITCH ROLES. 'Shippers minds: BLOWN TO BITS. Give us a real Black Canary and an SJW wisecracking swashbuckling Deadshot-skill-leveled-up Ollie as founding members of the Arrowverse Justice

I don't think they have the legal rights to use Ivy. Even Grayson might be off limits.

What is the deal with under-using Kelly Hu? Give her comfortable flats and unleash hell ! Not actually a martial artist but she can fake it well enough.

Agreed. Now that Snart's back, full-on Legion of Doom reality-rewriting Spear Of Destiny-hell-on-earth needs to break loose. BTW, seems rather odd that THAT spear would whisper magical sweet nothings and allow itself to be wielded by villains: just sayin'.

Actually that's true, DC wrote him so kryptonite doesn't work but lead exposure is fatal.

And then when THAT didn't work, they threw in a wrench. *ducks*

I think they come from a non-bagel-centric culture. Either that or the bagel force is not with them.

I believe that serves as the Turing Test

Thinking it's about time Monel got some real superpowers and a costume. That was the original plan, remember? After she finished combat training with him? Then they just dropped it.

So therefore…KGBeast MUST happen. You're welcome.

What happened to his powers?

Didn't they say at some point that time aberrations become irreversible if you let them go on too long?

And isn't it the last waverider, too? Pretty much was implied since they destroyed the Time Masters (hello there, Dr. Who Ripoff Division)