Inigo Montoya

Could not agree more!

So when Randall mentioned Brutus falling on his sword, that was totally an Easter egg right? I had a little chuckle at that… the only chuckle of the episode. Boy oh boy this was a dark and hard to watch penultimate episode.


Hmmm… I see what you are saying, if Tony and Felix did sort of maybe work, they totally lost me when they kissed.

*cough cough* Tony and Felix… *cough cough cough*….

I get why Maslany was waterboarded, but why the body double?

Aren't iphone's really easy to hack/spy on people with? Those shitty older Nokia phones are probably a lot better to use as a burner, but I guess some product placement for Apple is a good thing it if helps with the cost of making the show.

"The bar scene is most confusing as we know that's originally when Mark was supposed to die before they decided to make Ari the face of castor so that is where they most need to clear Paul's history up."

In the last episode Cal said to Paul something about infiltrating Dyad and too me that looks like Paul's first allegiance was to the army. Maybe you are right and Paul only found out about the castor clones at the end of last season. I just think that with the scatter brainness of last season that the creators screwed

I remember in last weeks discussion people were wondering if Paul knew Mark was a clone from when they meet up in S2. The scene in the bar made me think that no they did not know each other, but now after this episode I'm all confused… were they both pretending to not know each other in that scene?

oh nice memory you have there. I like your theory as well. Boy oh boy I can't wait to find out if it is true.

Yes Tobias did do the Full Monty in "Rome"… he also showed his balls in "Forget Me Not"…..

I think the reviewer is trying to say that at the time of shooting/writing the final the show had not been renewed, but thank god that it has been. I don't know how I would of taken that final scene knowing that that was it.

Where is Captain Black Jack Randall? Apart of me does not want him to show up again, because bad things will happen, but another part of me (the part that is crushing hard on Tobias Menzies) really wants him to make an appearance. Having said that I much prefer the Frank character, but I feel as though after the mid

Thank god he is coming back, I really liked his character and LOVE the actor who plays Cal.
I would be very happy to never see Angie ever again though.

Where was Cal? Is he even coming back this season?

Purple… or Yellow.

Well said. I think you might have hit the nail on the head with point 6. Can't wait for the last few episodes to see if you are right (I really think you are though)

"Floki abandoning the gods being the first Viking to (sincerely) become a Christian."

TPB what a great film!