
shit! <.<….>.> LOOK OVER THERE!

I think what they were trying to say is that "Pro-Jesus" songs, ie., Christian Rock is notoriously bad.

This was a great assessment. I only disagree with the Producers movie (the new one). I think it worked well.

I….I…I have to go call my mom :'(

I'm actually reading "An Object of Beauty" by him right now and I am loving it. You can tell that he is one of those artists who gives it all they got into their project.

My only dissappointment is that I wish DC had done this rather than Marvel. I like both universes, but I feel DC is more 'bombastic' and ridiculous than Marvel. Stupid Marvel studios.

this is bullshit, it was completely written in wingdings.

They look so happy together!! D:

I do not agree with Todd VDW on a lot of things. So I don't know how I feel about agreeing with him on this. Should I be happy or should I stop liking enlightened?