Rainbow Six Vegas had the lean system and it worked great. I miss that game!
Rainbow Six Vegas had the lean system and it worked great. I miss that game!
After listening to the band for about 10 seconds they may have done him a favor giving him the boot. Their sound is about a decade late.
"Will you stop Godding up those ball players?" - this is exactly the kind of language I expect from a man named "Red".
It's always nice to see people substituting wit for references to get a cheap laugh. I hope they don't elaborate on an idea with so little steam.
I really want to like this. So I will.
"more than a couple inches" - Barry may I use this as the title for my autobiography?
Honestly, I wish they presented the whole thing like this video
The "Reveal" itself was the most self-serving piece of crap to come from Microsoft in a long time.
Not as long as Walmart is alive. They'll be happy to take that away from Gamestop. No used games, just awful service and urine soaked floors.
you should have seen the shit I went through to get a Surface. Great device with the worst launch this side of Simcity.
I think Gamestop's stock is about to drop significantly.
He's wrong about why they call this iteration of Xbox the "One". It's because this new console will not be able to do one damn thing exceptionally well.
We all know in a week it will be down in price again, and then in another week, and another...They need to clear off shelf space for things people may actually want.
Where's the always online DRM? EA was there so it has to be a reality.
They should have made the movie:
15 exclusive games, 8 of which are all Halo.
Why did the gameplay trailer show no actual gameplay? Do these people know that gameplay means we actually need to see someone play the damn game.
That was terrible and pointless. Nobody showed gameplay footage and EA showed up with nothing to discuss.
Can we...can we laugh at this?