
Adding to the mythos behind the truck: what made so many of us (myself included!) convinced that blasted truck had something to do with Mew is that you will never see it unless you go out of your way to try something silly. The truck is in the port where the S.S. Anne is docked, and normally the ship sets sail after

Expect their first game by 2028. It’s basically going to release in an early access state by they won’t tell and you will charge $60 for it. So remember to wait a year and get the actual 1.0 game for like half the price

It’s not in this article for some reason, but people who own the original will be able to upgrade for a reduced price.

I cannot fucking believe I fell victim to the “buying the full price vanilla version instead of waiting for the re-release with extra content version later” racket with a fucking retro Sonic game.

I before E, except after C, or when pulling a feisty heist on your weird beige foreign neighbor.

It’s not pedophilia if it comes from Japan. It’s culture.

The main reason you should ALWAYS buy physical is the fact that it is the only way to actually own the game. If you download a game and Nintendo decides to remove the eshop functionality of a console (which they have done twice thus far) you are completely screwed in terms of re-downloading a previously deleted title.

My favorite sign today: “As a black boy I just hope that one day I have as many rights as a gun”

The whole thing is going mongo Streisand Effect, isn’t it? If Trump held his arms out and admitted, “What can I say? I love pretty blondes with huge tits, been banging ‘em since I was old enuf to get hard. I mean, look at this cupcake — you would, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. Good old red-blooded American men,

Yup. Pretty much every time we get the “why is this news” complaint from someone, I’m left to believe they have chosen to ignore the “...and gamer culture” part of Kotaku’s scope.

Twitch is used for all sorts of things these days, but as I understand it, it’s still primarily the preferred service for game-streamers;

It seemed like the link to the exact same album at the same address was being circulated. And that if he had deleted it as he said he did then that link wouldn’t lead anywhere. Yes there are probably other copies floating around, but it’s still shitty the original source didn’t stop allowing distribution.

Because specificity makes it easier for people to argue the letter of the law and ignore the spirit of it.

Good, this legitimately makes me feel better - like less of a closed-off asshole. Considering I have three siblings I’m very close to, it makes sense I’ve always had just 1-2 close, non-familial friends at a time. Here I am thinking I’m a weirdo for struggling to keep close tabs on friends when I’m really just your

For what it’s worth, I think Persona Q will be next. Eventually. I’m stuck in the hospital maze, I think. I’ll probably play the Strange Journey re-release first, since that’s coming up—and I’m still crossing my fingers that Tokyo Mirage Sessions will come to Switch soon. We’ll see! But I need a buffer between “games

The unfairness stems from the fact that you need to pay to find a balloon, but it’s free to hide one.

“Child of mine! You lectured and ridiculed a US senator? Good for you! Let me take you out for ice cream. Wait, do you smoke weed? Let me take you out for weed, and then probably ice cream.”

[insert hand clapping emoji between each word]

Not so much borrowed as passed down. Shifrin gets new skis given to her every season so she passes her previous ones to athletes who don’t get new skis for free. It’s pretty awesome.

“If the content is important, post is somewhere Russian censors can’t get to it.”