
Since Steam’s Early Access began.

Ever heard of a little game called Papers Please? Ever heard anyone who played it describe it as fun? Ever heard about all its praise? Games don’t just have to be fun.

There’s one indirect benefit for users: In the future, companies are going to see this legal precedent, and so they’re going to be more reluctant to remove features they advertised. Which... they really shouldn’t need legal precedent to avoid doing, but sadly we live in a world where someone can sell you something,

Just England, actually, not all of Britain. The other countries insist on printing their own money, even though it’s all worth the same amount, causing a whole lot of trouble when travelling to England and the vending machines won’t accept it. And it’s not only each country, but each bank that can print currency,

Who’s treating it like a good thing?

Thank you for saying this. I’m so sick of all the people making jokes about this (which I won’t repeat here). She might be the butt of a lot of jokes about how she doesn’t deserve to be rich and famous, but that in no way equates to her deserving to be mugged like this. Why do so many people lack basic empathy, or at

Is it possible for anyone here to present their own subjective opinions in a way that doesn’t state them as objective facts, and perhaps agree to disagree about what different people prefer?

Attacking the source doesn’t disprove the claims, and neither does referring obliquely to a document dump without providing any specifics. I’ll boil down Oliver’s points for you:

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The problem is the voting system, at the root. When you only get one vote, it always ends up with people feeling like they have to be strategic, which makes it nigh-impossible for new parties to get a chance at the national level. Even if people en masse vote for a third-party candidate now, it won’t solve that issue

That’s like looking a 10 and 10,000 and saying “both numbers are big.” From a certain point of view, yes. From another point of view, if people are lining up in just over a month to vote for the smallest number and all you say in comparing the two is that both are big, you’re being massively ingenuous (if not outright

They aren’t the target audience of this joke, though. The target audience is people who see “academic” as a compliment as Trump’s speech patterns as the exact opposite of it. To kill the joke via explaining it, it sets you up to think they’re talking about a Trump stand-in, and then subvert this expectation by

Sadly, he may have to remain quiet on it. Given his own lawsuit from them, it’s likely that he’s been advised by his lawyers to say nothing publicly until it’s resolved.

Tales of Zestiria did this too (with a minor exception for certain arena-style fights that made up less than 1% of the gameplay). As I recall, the best explanation we got for it was that it was something about music licensing. I wonder if it would be possible to allow video-only streams for cases like that (and

The fact that it could get complicated doesn’t mean we should deny people human rights. And that’s actually not even the issue at hand here - the issue is that the law bans them from even living together, let alone get married. Letting them live together wouldn’t cause the issues marriage does.

Well, the argument is that when you preorder, you’re paying for something before you know what you’re getting, and putting yourself in prime position to be ripped off. For instance, you might be pre-ordering a broken watch that you’ll only get after you spend hundreds of dollars of import fees, but you don’t know this

“Forcing Captain America to be gay or turning Iron Man into a black teenager isn’t creating diversity, it’s just fan-fiction run amok. And all fan fiction sucks.”

Paypal is a good example of this. If Steam were to go into adult games, Paypal would no longer want anything to do with them. Valve would then have to find a processor that doesn’t mind adult content, and those processors all tend to take much larger cuts. So, going adult could result in Steam’s profits on everything

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I’ve gotta give my nod to Undertale. A unique, fitting theme for every boss (and even most minibosses), plus there’s a cohesion to the whole soundtrack. Tunes build on themselves, with leitmotifs being reused to tie tracks together. Just look at the wiki’s list of them all:…

It’s a selfie.

Do you not believe Stockholm is in Europe? Last I checked it was, unless there’s been a Swexit since then...