
It's become much worse in the past few years, especially when your password gets judged as "weak." I have no idea how to get a "strong" password that I would easily remember without cursing.

The one time they seemed to settle down- the events described in "Little House on the Prairie," which actually took place BEFORE "Big Woods" so Ingalls either made it all up or just took the stories from that venture and wrote them down, giving herself a more active part as she would have only been about 2- they got

Waters is a big fan of "Eraserhead" but I can't really see Lynch loving "Pink Flamingos."

Tootie and Mrs. Garrett camped out for 8 hours in the freezing cold for tickets to Pat Benatar and then Natalie wouldn't even go because of some silly excuse of grieving over her father's death.

Remember his ex-wife, then to-be wife Julianne Phillips in 38 Special's "Dallas"-inspired video for "If I'd Been the One?" I always imagined that as an actual documentary of the breakdown of their marriage despite it being filmed a couple of years earlier. .

Surprise Courteney Cox guest appearance from the audience or nothing.

How many times will Chris Christie be there in the front row, pulling up his shirt, trying to get the Boss' attention like it was some arena stage show?

Lynch has this "electricity and spirits" thing connected. Not that there is any connection at all to the movie "Poltergeist" but there were also strange electrical discharges noticed by the psychic researchers when they are sitting around the table early on and they smell it. I think Sarah is basically experiencing

Do you think Lynch was already filming or just about to film FWWM when the finale aired? Lynch even puts "Under the Sycamore Trees" from the final episode onto the FWWM soundtrack even though it doesn't appear anywhere in the film. And Sheryl Lee looks like she's wearing that same wig she wears in FWWM. It was a GOOD

And the sweet scene when she coaxes Randy out of the cabinet when he's crying because he's afraid "daddy's gonna kill Ralphie" when he hears about the fight is very well done.

Dana Ashbrook gave Bobby his all. That scene in FWWM where he does a backwards/sideways dance across the lawn into the entrance of the school all in one take is amazing.

They dyed his hair jet black for TP which is why he always looked a bit off.

I loved LFB as Donna in the pilot. When she is first seen, striding down the hall of the high school, she cuts through all the oddity we'd seen thus far (for 1990) and is just a regular girl.

You should see James Marshall on the 1989 "China Beach" episode where he is in a VA hospital and recognizes Dana Delany as the nurse who helped save him in Vietnam. He keeps shouting, "That's my nurse! That's my nurse!" and everybody applauds. The scene's a bit overwrought anyhow (for a show that didn't usually got

The film makes it appear that they're still at the Roadhouse, maybe they're not. When Laura and Ronette are being pleasured under the table by Buck, Ronette says, "Just like at One Eyed Jacks." And when Laura first sees Ronette, she says "I haven't seen you since I left One Eyed Jacks." There's no indication they've

Easy way to not worry about Moira Kelly or Lara Flynn Boyle. I actually liked Kelly's take on the character, maybe easy chemistry because she and Lee had worked together on a rather intense TV movie not long before they made FWWM ("Love, Lies and Murder" which featured a pretty intense murder scene where they kill a

That was one hell of a bank explosion.

I saw, I would love it. It looks to have beautiful views.If only that pesky long-haired man would stop appearing behind the sofa.

I rewatched "Fire Walk with Me" the other night and man, even darker this time. Why does Cooper not want Laura to put on the ring, why does Mike throw it into the train car as though it will vanquish Bob? What is this ring? Also, when they go into the "Pink Room" at the Roadhouse, Jacques says, "Welcome to Canada."

Stiller and Meara