
There is, of course, the fact that Bobby killed a guy in the woods once upon a time. The only witness- Laura Palmer- is long dead. That guy was about to kill Bobby so I am sure Bobby's locked it away in his mind.

I read parts of the sister-in-law's creepy apologist book about the situation and it was heartbreaking and frustrating. The case fascinates me as everybody always seemed to be overlooking the big things and making excuses (it was a toothache,a migraine) - last I knew, if those caused such behavior, there would be a

Dammit! Doesn't anyone realize that "local milk people" is code for aliens? Not "illegal" but from Outer space? That they truly are among us and this is what he was referring to? It's all out in the open now.

His whole "cosmopolitan bias" speech sounded like he'd been rehearsing it in a mirror all day and was just waiting for somebody to say something he could use it on.

It took this East Coaster years to figure out who and why Angelyne was in the opening credits of "Moonlighting."

Slow? Sheesh, none of you ever watched "The Young and the Restless" in its heyday, did you?

I remember critics not sure how to take Sarah Palmer's endless breakdown in the pilot. It was horrifying then almost became funny the longer it went on… but was it funny or were we just heartless? The critics were so confused. But it was hard to keep a complete straight face by the time that camera was panning up

You're right- you DON'T remember a lot about it. The book is merde.

I was on Jury Duty in downtown Manhattan and was low on cash so I was eating at a Subway (Before you go off, I had eaten in Chinatown the day before and couldn't afford it again, I was poor) Three tourists come in looking around to see if it looked ok, and gave it their seal of approval and had lunch in a tiny,

I was lucky enough to see a screening of "The Group" in 2008 with Shirley Knight and Jessica Walter (!!) in attendance and it's /loom-ETT/

Oprah's legions never forget. And it truly was a dick move.

He pissed off Oprah and insulted her audience.

While I often disagreed with Kakutani, I preferred her reviews to the guest reviews by authors - who just so happened to have a book coming out in a few months- who would overpraise lousy books. One of the most egregious examples was Chelsea Cain reviewing the absolutely shit "The Truth About the Harry Quebert

(Bannon declined to comment.) My absolute favorite line.

3rd or 4th.

They tipped their hand by making Pickle 9 and not say, 6. The handwriting, misspellings and oh too twee letter is not something a 9-year-old would write. Think of how you were in 4th grade. Of course, now Sanders will say "Pickle" is in soecial ed just to add another layer to him to make him untouchable.

He was the Governor of Texas. You know what you need to be the governor of Texas? An oversize pair of scissors for ribbon-cutting at the opening of supermarkets and shopping centers.

What's she gonna wear to court?

I rewatched that again recently. When it came out, I was 10 but a lot of kids my age saw it as it was PG and there weren't many films out at that time and I didn't know what to make of the ending. I don't necessarily see it as so tragic now as an adult.

How can a person forget Admiral Boom from the original film ? The movie literally stands still every time he fires off his cannon and poor Ellen and Miss Brill must contort themselves so everything doesn't go flying.