
At the time of the film, however, PC hadn't been overplayed and overused at every wedding and every TV commercial. (Hidden Valley Ranch) People credit "Ordinary People" for its resurgence into the popular culture.

There's that one moment at the very end when Beth takes out her suitcase when Beth almost loses it and doubles over she won't even allow herself a moment of pain. She stands back up straight up and keeps going about her business. That's an amazing moment by Moore.

I hate myself for thinking that, in the middle of the film's most dramatic scene, I still think, "All that money and THAT is the best Christmas tree they could get?"

Pauline Kael was a brilliant film critic whom I almost always found myself disagreeing with.

I don't know what I find more devastating, the "Oh wait, did I take trig?" moment where she pulls away (I agree with the poster who says it's her way of pulling away from Conrad after dropping her guard), the excruciating picture taking scene or that one line that cuts to the bone: "Buck would never have BEEN in the

Jesus that house was huge. But this is a side view. For a second, I thought the picture was reversed. You can't actually see Mary's apartment in this pic as it's around on the far left side which is actually the front.

Isn't it because Rapoport has domestic abuse in his past as well? Wasn't it Lili Taylor?

Most cite Chuckles or Veal Price Orloff, but that one, "Two Wrongs Don't Make a Writer," is my absolute favorite. "Who cares, I love myself." Brilliantly funny.

"The Handmaid's Tale" is also selling well. That could also be bolstered by interest in the upcoming miniseries too but both a local library branch and a local bookstore have dystopian window displays.

It's the Ice Cream of the future. You ask any employee what it is, that's all they're going to tell you.

And let's not forget Kathy Kinney (aka Mimi from "Drew Carey" as the host of the party). Although, when I first saw this film, another lifetime ago, I recognized her as Mrs. Goddard, the randy librarian , from "Newhart." And John Bolger as "fake Philip" on "Guiding Light."

But nobody can say "Samurwyai" that way the late Mako did as Aku. :(

I watched some episodes of "Summer Playhouse". I knew they were dead pilots but some were amusing. Lori Loughlin as an out of prison woman heading for a new life with an old money family in what looked to be a serialized show that wanted to be another "SOAP." "My Africa", a sentimental tale of a young white girl

Bon Qui Qui is in this. I hope she says, "Rude!" at least once.

This totally violates the (darkest) timeline of the terrible final episode where Will and Grace are estranged for years. Or perhaps that last minute of the final episode was an actual reset unto itself, turning them young again as though that alternate future never happened at all?

If he were to adapt a Stephen King story, he could probably do "The Tommyknockers" closer to the novel than the TV miniseries. That book is batshit crazy but fun.

If I had been drinking my water at that moment …

I was in high school at the time and a big fan of the soap "Santa Barbara" and really wanted the film to succeed because one of the actresses from the show was the title character and she was really cool. Well, the film didn't do all that well. But later that year, during that end of the school year when there's

Is that Georgian-style house really supposed to be their "rental"?

Just saw the trailer. The more they say "Don't Say It, Don't Think It" they more you're gonna … well, you know.