
Dunaway is batshit crazy is what happened to her.

Finally, a late night network host who actually has a different slant.

Is it just dumb luck that with maybe the exception of the "The Gang is Invincible," that every time they seem to actually film on location in Philadelphia, it's overcast? In "The Gang Hits the Road," they were switching back and forth from LA to Philadelphia between shots and it kept going from sunny to cloudy.

Who the hell chooses Spacey's movie roles nowadays? And I wasn't even aware this WAS a movie until it made year's end worst lists.

Milk doesn't quench my thirst, hurts my stomach and is the last thing I want to drink. The stereotype of cats drinking milk vs. reality of cats shitting everywhere? It's humans too. Saw a movie where Victor Mature is drinking a glass of it and it was like he was drinking poison.

That was most likely "The Doubtful Guest."

The bombing happened on the day of my dad's funeral - also in Massachusetts but in Springfield. His burial was on Cape Cod the next day. I remember going down for a nap and then waking up to all these crazy messages about Boston. Hard to separate the two events of that day in my head especially as the bombing already reported that ZsaZsa was best known for her role on "Green Acres."

Bechdel is wonderful. Even if she had never done "Fun Home" she holds a special place in the heart of many with her long running comic strip "Dykes to Watch Out For" that chronicled the lives and loves of a group of friends over 25 years. was funny, sad, deadpan. Always engrossing.

Bach briefly kept my hometown of Springfield, MA in music news when somebody tossed a bottle onstage during a concert in '89 and he angrily trhew it back out into the audience and struck a woman in the face.

The original film of "Westworld" and "Jurassic Park" are the bare bones of the same story. Crichton told it twice.

I'd be so on board for Jesus Christ Superstar. If they could do that Rock Messiah thing in the streets last Easter, they could easily do JCS. Better music too. But , and while I am probably the only person gunning for this, they could also do a revamped version of the long-forgotten "Here's Love!" (That was a

Love this show but the stage ending works better on stage. The director's cut ending on DVD went on and on and on and wasn't even funny after a while. It was just hopeless mass destruction that went on long after our heroes had died, endless shots of brick walls bursting outward and they weren't even singing "Don't

Why don't they just animate it? It IS Ashman and Menken after all. The man who gave a Mermaid her voice and a Beast his soul - and an alien plant its bloodthirsty agenda.

I'll need to ask my Aunt Ida.

Plus, Little Inez winning in the movie was wrong because Little Inez in the movie clearly had no dance moves that really made her stand out. All she did was get flipped a few times. And Motormouth Maybelle was too subdued in the film- not everybody can be Ruth Brown but damn, they should try!

Marry me! As long as they keep the title tune.

"General Hospital" and the elephant in the living room called Luke and Laura. Genie Francis was pissed that her character went through a year of rape counseling only to fall in love with her rapist and become the biggest soap super couple of all time. Tony Geary and that mall appearance where young female fans were

I politely disagree with you on "The Facts of Life." I only rewatched that episode a few weeks ago. (I watched episodes while I match socks.) The headmaster's secretary has been raped and just by the way Mrs. Garrett announced it, it was felt in all its ugliness. Then Natalie was attacked walking home from a party and

I saw "Gojira" for the first time a few years ago and came away thinking, "That was sad."