
One problem I have with the movie is that I guess we're supposed to think that Dong's "sexy American girlfriend" is not attractive? I've always thought she was cute or maybe just that her look ages better than a lot of other women in the film. And Gedde Watanabe went from Sondheim on stage to everybody's favorite

The Simpsons did it:

Older generation doesn't get this whole business of memes and gets all confused and cranky.

I'm one of those people who loves, loves, loves her first two albums. I think that "Tin Angel" from "Clouds" belongs here for those opening notes, just those plucking strings. Oh my god. I also love "Nathan La Franeer" from her first album which is a lot more esoteric in scope as its about leaving NYC behind but

Did they fill in the slope under Cameron's house? It looks like there's a lot less room between the house and the ground. Maybe because of a certain automobile mishap. Also, what's up with those DMV waiting room seats in the current house?

Considering it's just a Nerf gun, any dad who would freak out and send his son to bed without his bubble and squeak would be a real prick indeed.

Totally agree about the book. I couldn't believe the movie took such such stupid turns and became "The Ring" or "The Changeling" in period garb.

The Warrens knew their base so they went to college campuses. And lo and behold, they often found dorms on those very campuses inhabited by … no, not just the dirty kid who never went to class… but demons. Or maybe they were one and the same. Your sink was clogged? Demons. Kid acting up? Demons. Car broke down?

The photos they do share are so skimpy and pathetic. On their website, which I am not sure is still up, there were horrific photos of the Amityville case, like Lorraine so overcome by the horror in the Amityville House, she almost passed out. It's a blurry photo of her sitting on the stairs. And the ceramic lion

Does it include the scene where the girl is photographed jumping on the bed and she claims she's being levitated where it looks to the rest of the world that she's just jumping on the damn bed?

The original came out in 1996 but was set sometime in the 80s. The pic above is kind of a giveaway. I guess in the new one they'll all be doing what Scottish people in the 90s did?

Found footage in 1958 would be cool. All scratchy, silent home movie footage. But how would we ever get to hear the counselors sing "Tom Dooley"? But seriously, we really don't need this. It's all out there in the first film.

HBC is my favorite Ophelia of all time. She's crazy but heartbreaking. Gibson's entire "Hamlet" is not a bad production and Bonham-Carter is one of the main reasons. Kate Winslet's Ophelia's mad scene in Branagh's full length "Hamlet" was too crazy and off-putting. Let's see- Emma Thompson and HBC played sisters

I never thought about this song that way. But man, were I ever to choose a hate song from around that era, it'd be "24 Hours from Tulsa." Now THERE'S a dick.

Reeves died before "Witchfinder General" was even in theaters in the US, if I remember my "Cult Movies" book correctly.

Great film with Price underplaying it for once and therefore coming across as so hateful and evil, you echo the hero in his madness at the end when he screams … I won't say any more.

That's a flat out terrible title. I remember seeing "Trainspotting" and feeling like I'd been punched in the face. Then I saw it two more times that summer. Oh, 1996! Has become one of those jumping-off point movies for so many actors like "Dazed and Confused" or "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" only with more

I don't remember this campaign but I do remember the really annoying Burger King campaign from the same year "Where's Herb?" Did they even see that all the way through?

Lubitsch's "Trouble in Paradise" comes to mind as does "Blonde Venus." Heck, a whole lot of pre-Code and immediate post-Code films come to mind.