
Coming home for the summer from college IS as painful as "The Middle" made it out to be. Yeah, 10 pm is early but Mike was annoyed at their attitudes. And I love Axl and Sue having to share the bedroom until she leaves for Dollywood. I have a bad feeling though that somehow, Brad's not going to accompany her. But

I never liked either film. They seemed to imply that being gay had less to do with same-sex attraction and more to do with musical tastes and mannerisms and mainstream America ate it up. Plus, I thought "In and Out" was pretty bad except for the rotary phone joke. Even the kissing scene in "In and Out" wasn't sexy

They still play a few notes of that theme hidden in their "Next on HBO" promos. I wonder if there's an extended version of it somewhere with a bridge and everything.

Props if you noticed that the male half of the couple Frankie sort of played it forward for was a "Scrubs" alum. And that Brick somehow has Outlander books on his shelves. Not that Frankie would even notice but wouldn't those books leave him with a lot of questions?

Okay, seriously. That actor who plays David Kim has to be like 25. Yes, I went sleuthing on IMDb. No birth date. He's still funny as hell.

Russo doesn't write poignant.

"Straight Man" and Chabon's "Wonder Boys" sometimes get confused in my head as they are both set in second-tier Pennsylvania colleges and have some similarities. I loved "Straight Man" though, probably the funniest of Russo's books.

I loved "Empire Falls" and did find some great humor, especially with the ex-wife. The fiance who lied about his age, her determination to show off her weight loss, no matter how cold it was. And it led to a line I always think about when she keeps telling her mother how much she's changed and her mother says, "You

He's great in "Snowpiercer" also where the same actress from this plays his daughter.

I loved "Key and Peele" and loved them on "MadTv" together and separate so I hate myself for not finding the trailer all that funny. But can we all agree the cat they used on the movie poster was not all that cute?…

Can't believe they made it through the entire episode- and we've made it through all these comments- and nobody mentioned that the only reason Frankie was calling it a lanai was most likely because she has memorized every episode of "The Golden Girls."

Well, the labor is usually the most expensive part and that did look to be free.

On Heaton's previous long-running show (do I even need to name it?), there was only one storyline per episode, which is a rarity for a sitcom, and they had long, long scenes that often would not go where you'd expect them to. I think "The Middle" usually does well with its B and C (and sometimes D) stories but

Also, McClendon-Covey's real-life eyebrows looked weird.

I thought maybe "The Goldbergs" was just a way of not having us have to hear Patton Oswalt's voice and dissolve into tears?

Ha ha! Touche!

IMDb Trivia in 5 years: Originally, Scarlett Johansson, Dakota Fanning, Maggie Smith, Lupita Nyong'o and Melissa McCarthy were attached to play Zelda before Kat Dennings got the role.

"Oh my god, they shot him!"

Substitute bridal dolls for a glass menagerie and there ya go.