
Which is why Britney shaved all hers off. She wasn't having it.

For some odd reason, the Archie cartoon (and Sabrina) from the late 60s/early 70s was produced by Filmation but Josie and the Pussycats was produced by Hanna Barbera.

I loved this show. It was pleasant, it was funny, (look, their coffee cups are empty even though they are acting like they are full!) but could somebody please explain to me how Lorelai had a perfectly pleasant looking, non cramped two-storey home that apparently only had one bedroom upstairs?

Well, she certainly embodied a woman with "limited wind", I'll give her that much. But her acting was good.

I totally agree. It's all about Tamblyn and Chakiris; once they exit the narrative, the only strong performer left is Rita Moreno. My attention tends to dwindle after that.

I adore this film and love the adults. Vic Morrow terrifying as he decks Brandon Cruz, even though Cruz had just tried to kill Englebert with the ball. Joyce Van Patten so disdainful of the "little marshmallows" but also so real at the opening season banquet where she's so proudly showing off the pizza made to look

Why did Kripke hate the roadhouse setting so much in Season 2? Didn't he give it the ok or even create it himself? He certainly destroyed his own creation with gusto.

I love how Dave Kim has the appearance of an eleven-year-old and the voice of a twenty-year-old. It makes it that much funnier.

Elijah said in a roomful of gay men that his other friends are mean? Jesus. That's harsh to Hannah, et al. Unfortunately, I could see the kinks in Elijah's relationship coming a mile away. Though I loved that he pocketed the bottles in the bathroom rather than knocking them all down.

I thought the same thing. The cost must have been astronomical, as amazing an idea as that seemed. I hope that it was supposed to at least have been in Queens, no matter where they actually filmed it.

I saw that as well and thought, "WTF?" I thought the scene was to show how ridiculous and immature Hannah can still be at times but Dunham's statement was really bizarre. Guess I wasn't the only one who did a double take at the TV.

Not to mention that back then, seasons ended in March and there was a writer's strike that pushed back the new season until November and people were practically out of their minds waiting to find out who did it and they didn't find out until 4 episodes in! You heard more about "Who Shot JR?" than you did about the

Yeah but most likely the answer of "Whom Did Negan Kill?" will be as disappointing as the results of "Dynasty"'s Moldavian Massacre and like the ramifications from that, will do very little to rattle the status quo of the program.

In 1985, "Dynasty" was tied for #1 for the season with a sitcom that is no longer shown on any channel. The coup de grace was a royal wedding that people had been waiting for, a wedding that some people had been planning their own weddings around. And when the episode aired, the wedding was interruped by terrorists

"What Have They Done to the Rain?" by Malvina Reynolds, "Morning Dew" by Bonnie Dobson (later covered by the Dead)

Will James Wan tackle the Cottingsley fairies next? But make it creepy?

All we need is to lend more credence to the Warrens. Sure, perhaps they were lovely people but Jesus, they found demons in waxy yellow buildup. And this formulaic trailer really stretches the truth of the story which just looked like two girls with unfortunate 70s English haircuts vying for attention.

Ooooo, "A Passage to Nebraska." I love reimaginings of classics.

"Let's all put on a folk hat and learn something about a foreign culture!"

Are those Victoria's Secret's model's bodies as hard as their faces?