
I can see how the $100 might be insulting, but updating you guys with a presumed apology, taking ownership, and coming back to try to make things right sounds pretty classy to me.

Dear Ethicist,

Posted because most of the kids here don't know who Don Rickles is.

In all fairness, Clooney is one of the founders of Not On Our Watch and the Satellite Sentinel Project (under Not On Our Watch), which does life-saving stuff like this. Not to mention his telethon work for 9/11 and Haiti — one of which resulted in some minor feud with Bill O'Reilly, during which Clooney schooled him

Well, he keeps a satellite in the air that provides an early warning system for mass atrocities in south Sudan, for starters.

For those of you incredulous at the idea of Toyota being in the boat business, the fancy boat business to boot, I'll have you know the company has been making boats since they dropped the original Ponam-28 in 1997. All their seafaring vessles have automotive engines tuned for marine use.

More like No Balance, amirite?

Minnesota I'm Yelling Timberwolves

As a kid, I sort of imagined this, if a Union 76 ball sign would fall down.

Houston Johnny Rockets

Denver Chicken McNuggets

Phoenix Capri Suns

Sacramento Burger Kings

I watched, anticipating a rather mundane-sized pumpkin entering from the right side of the screen, and I silently debated whether it would come in near-horizontal as if shot from a pumpkin cannon, or approach at something greater than 45° off horizontal, as would belie a shot from a trebuchet.

Man what's wrong with you. Children can't eat vans!

I thoroughly enjoy your articles. Thanks for the good reads.

Amen to love and terror. My older sister's personality is 95% Jillian Michael's and 5% Bob Villa. Even though I object to The Biggest Loser show on principal, I used to watch it when I lived out of state and was homesick for that particular brand of charmingly sadistic cheerleading.

Uhh, so we're literally just reposting Daily Fail misogynistic clickbait bullshit now? I know Jez is running on a skeleton crew lately and I don't expect academic dissertations on global economic issues anyway, but would a tiny bit of quality control kill us?

I don't think all that brown stuff spraying around is dirt.