
You are exactly the type of sucker who that tweet is for. They sell blonde hair dye all over the world you know, not just in America.

You don’t even have to bring the slave ancestory into it. My family are 100% Ghanaian, all four grandparents are from villages only miles apart and yet we have every shade from Naomi Cambell to Halle Berry and even lighter. My mom also has mad curly hair.

Someone needs to show this video to all those idiots who say if we all just race mixed racism would end. Also can I just say, how byoooooootiful is that woman, she kind of looks like me but if I was a tall beautiful statuesque super dancer. Excuse me whilst I go make pinterest albums of her face.

Everyone involved in this story is trash, the genetic mother slightly less so because at least she is trying to rectify her mistake after the fact, but still, trash. So many layers I don’t even know where to begin.

“Exploring” is such a white people thing. Or at least, european/american. It usually involves going somewhere people already live and then either gawking at them like zoo exhibits or trying to force them to change their way of life.

This is getting ridiculous and btw, I agree 100% with Pink, oh sorry I mean P!nk. Not sure I’m articulate enough to say what I’m trying to say here but to me feminism does not equal posting naked pictures of yourself in a public forum and then dismissing all negative commentary as “fake, jealous, poor, haterz”

I think you’re mistaken. Most people don’t hate her, they hate what she represents and the impact that type of celebrity culture has on our society. And tbh, I think it’s okay to gawk at and make commentary on things you hate, that’s not hypocritical at all that’s just what people do, not just regarding Kim but

What are you, kims publicist or something? Chill, no one is calling her a slut. Not the person who complained about her cosmetic surgery and not this person either. You can retire that tired narrative.

Okay, so she wrote it herself, you want me to give her a medal or something? It’s not like she penned Americas next great novel, she put a few words together for a short piece. Its 16 year old level writing at best, ive seend better in tumblr. And to be honest she penned together a whole load of fluff, crap that she

FFS, are people really falling for this crap? First of all, nobody wants you to be ashamed of your body Kim, you know, the one you actually have, not the one you use lies, photoshop and surgery to trick us into thinking you have naturally. Secondly, the great majority of us aren’t slut shaming you, we are simply

Of course she did. I’m sure it was pre written before she even published the photos in anticipation. Yawn, this is getting old, Bette is right, if Kim wants to keep us entertained she’s going to have to come up with something new. I’m going to have to to see some intestine or something!

eta: hilar that you put essay in

People who aren’t proud of their body don’t post naked pictures of themselves. They just don’t.

You clearly don’t know how insecurity works.

Confident enough!?!? To post a cosmetic surgeried, photoshopped, year plus old picture. Fam, that ain’t confidence, what you’re looking at is insecurity.

She puts stuff out there to get noticed. You cant just poo poo everybody who has an even slightly negative opinion. So baisically we all have to either fawn over her or stay silent?? Like what? No.

We don’t care, it’s just amusing to us, there’s a difference. She’s a reality star she literally put herself out there to be noticed by people, can’t play the omg don’t make comments about me game after the fact.

Don’t you know? She gives most her charity money including 10% of her profits to a holy church founded by none other than Kris Jenner and some disgraced, yet charismatic pastor. I say church, t hey have no building, they just meet in hotels every now and again.

Considering where Floyd came from and his background, I think that’s okay. Kim however, I’m looking sideways.

Someone who gawks, maybe a gawker?

She also admitted that pic was over a year old, as if we didn’t already know.

Ugh, the K’s. Notice their response to any criticism at all is always about how much more money and fame they have that you. Life isn’t all about money and fame, that’s exactly the point of Chloe and Bette’s tweets. No one is slut shaming Kim, they are shaming Kim for being such a desperate, image obsessed, attention