
The Westminister dog show is where evil, cruelty and indifference to animal welfare come to convene. If we could eliminate it entirely the world would be a better place.

Here we go, jumping through hoops again to defend your white faves....but R Kelly is the devil right!?

Wendy’s is legitimately delicious as is KFC. I can’t stand McDonald’s. Nothing to do with it being bad for you, it just tasted so meh. In America you guys have so many cheap fast food options I can’t beleive that with all that is on offer people still voluntarily choose to go to McDonald's.

Omg Jake. There was something so off about him. Vienna was a bit of a trainwreck, okay, but Jake was quite clearly a mean, abusive liar. The reason why this shows will never work is because the bachelor or bachelorette holds all the power so you baisically have all the potential suitors kowtowing to their every whim

I thought I was the only one. Looks like a pile of poopoo to me. Im just patiently waiting for all this hype to die

That woman needs a reality show, for real!

Read my follow up comment regarding the British acts thing. Thats about one artist a year/every two years and those are particularly exceptional artists. Meanwhile anyone who is a celebrity in the US is instantly famous worldwide. Further, it took them a lot of work to get to that point. By the time Florence or Adele

ahh I see. So sorry for ruining the joke by having to have it explained to me. I was just sooooo confused.


Forgive me, I think it’s actually 17 years, close-ish to twenty. I still remember exactly where I was when I heard yellow for the first time.

If you live in Britain it’s easy to see. So many amazing acts crash and burn or are only known locally. We get like one or two international breakout stars a year but it’s very different compared to in the US where pretty much anyone who is a celebrity in the US is instantly a celebrity worldwide because of the

Umm yeah. I really don’t get all the negative comments about them on here. Okay, their music is a little boring now but they’ve had like ano extremely successful 20 year career and totally pioneered a new type of sound. They also managed to get worldwide success which is really difficult for British artists. Is this a

Only if you just want to date hottie patotties. You complain that it depends largely on being handsome but how many women have you turned down for not being pretty enough?Decades of lonliness with no end in sight could be very easily ended if guys dated within their league and weren’t always pursuing women many times

Nothing was stolen and the documentary people are idiots for tweeting angrily when they should have been making phonecalls. Not only did beys team get the license for the footage they also credited the film people in the production credits which they didn’t even bother to look up before they ran to twitter. They’ve

Now playing

Fuck this, Beyonce just released a new video!!!! **I realise I’m risking my posting privs here but it was worth it**

Yes they are all garbage. They often dont look how they look in the pictures too. About every 12 months I go back to their website and convince myself to buy something cute, then it comes and it’s always a raging disappointment. They are also running a VAT/customs charge scam on their international customers which I

That chart only goes from 2007-2013. The years when black people won an unprecedented amount of awards compared to other Oscars. I can’t see any reason from them to miss out 2015, certainly not 2014. Plus why not go back further, to the 90s or the 80s?

Plus yes it’s true actors of other races are not represented

People who smoke weed are convinced that almost everything revolves around people who smoke weed. Actually totally sober people love reggae and we watch so called “stoner movies” and we also want Snoop to narrate planet earth. Maybe its the weed induced paranoia that doea that to them. Such an odd title here.

You’ve misunderstood the problem. There was corrosion becsuse of thr water, yes, however that corrosion has permanently damaged the pipes meaning they will continue to leech large amounts of lead regardless of what water you run through them.

I was just about to post this!!! It’s not just that she was interested, she was a very talented biologist who unfortunately did not get the recognition she deserved. She pioneered some work on fungi in particular and helped us figure out how they reproduce. Being a woman she had to get a man to present her work on her